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Submit Comments on Tobacco Regulatory Activities

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Submit comments on Tobacco Products

FDA gathers information and comments, announced in the Federal Register and posted in dockets on Regulations.gov, from concerned citizens, industry, and organizations on a wide range of issues related to implementation of the Tobacco Control Act.

What Topics Are Currently Open for Comments?

Modified Risk Tobacco Product Renewal Applications: Applications for IQOS Products submitted by Philip Morris Products S.A. 
Docket No: FDA-2021-N-0408 (IQOS 3.0 System Holder and Charger)
Docket No: FDA-2017-D-3001 (IQOS 2.4 System Holder and Charger and Marlboro HeatSticks products)
Date: Currently no deadline for public comments
Summary: FDA is announcing the availability for public comment of modified risk tobacco product (MRTP) renewal applications submitted by Philip Morris Products S.A. for the following products: 

  • IQOS 2.4 System Holder and Charger
  • IQOS 3.0 System Holder and Charger
  • Marlboro Amber HeatSticks (formerly named Marlboro HeatSticks)
  • Marlboro Green Menthol HeatSticks (formerly named Marlboro Smooth Menthol HeatSticks) 
  • Marlboro Blue Menthol HeatSticks (formerly named Marlboro Fresh Menthol HeatSticks)

FDA will post the application materials on a rolling basis as they are redacted in accordance with applicable laws.  


Modified Risk Tobacco Product Application: Renewal Applications for General Snus Smokeless Tobacco Products Submitted by Swedish Match U.S.A., Inc.
Docket No:
Comment Period Open Date: 12/1/2023
Comment Period End Date: 7/5/2024
Summary: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or agency) is announcing an opportunity to provide public comment on modified risk tobacco product applications (MRTPAs). The applications are for renewal of existing modified risk tobacco product (MRTP) orders for General Snus smokeless tobacco products submitted by Swedish Match U.S.A., Inc.

What Makes an Effective and Useful Comment?

Our decisions are based on science and law. We look for logic, good science, and other evidence in the comments we evaluate.

  • Provide a clear statement of whether you support or oppose the proposed rule or guidance.
  • Include any of the following that support your position:
    • Data
    • Research
    • Analysis
  • Tips for submitting effective comments are on the regulations.gov website.

Information on Planned Upcoming Regulations

The FDA's Planned Regulations on the President’s Unified Agenda provides federal agencies with the opportunity to update the American public on our government’s regulatory priorities.

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