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FDA Overview Organization Chart - Text Version

August 2023

The following header reflects the organizational hierarchy.

Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration

The following is the Food and Drug Administration organizational structure depicting the organizational structures reporting to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs within the Office of the Commissioner. The Standard Administrative code (Alphanumeric sequence of characters beginning with the letter D) is represented in alphabetical order within the hierarchy of their office component from top to bottom and left to right.

Each organizational component will be depicted in the following standard format:

  • Title of organization.
  • Position title of the head of the organizational component.
  • Public Health Service rank if any, first name, middle initial if any, last name, post graduate degrees if any, and if the individual is designated as acting.

Office of the Commissioner
Commissioner of Food and Drugs
Robert M. Califf, MD

Reports directly to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs
Principal Deputy Commissioner
Janet Woodcock, MD

Chief of Staff
Julia Tierney, JD

Chief Medical Officer
Hilary Marston, MD, MPH

Reports directly to the General Counsel of HHS
Office of the Chief Counsel
Chief Counsel
Mark Raza, JD

Reports directly to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs
Office of the Executive Secretariat
Martina Varnado, MPA 

Office of the Counselor to the Commissioner
Counselor to the Commissioner

Office of Digital Transformation
Chief Information Officer
Vidyut Desai

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Peter Marks, MD, PhD

Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Jeffrey Shuren, JD, MD

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Patrizia Cavazzoni, MD 

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Donald Prater, DVM (Acting)

Center for Tobacco Products
Brian King, PhD, MPH

Center for Veterinary Medicine
Tracey Forfa, JD

Oncology Center of Excellence
Richard Pazdur, MD 

Office of Regulatory Affairs
Associate Commissioner 
Carol Cave (Acting)

Office of Clinical Policy and Programs
Thinh Nguyen

Office of External Affairs
Associate Commissioner
Heidi Rebello (Acting) 

Office of Food Policy and Response
Suzanne Roosen (Acting)

Office of Minority Health and Health Equity
Associate Commissioner
RADM Richardae Araojo, PharmD

Office of Operations
Deputy Commissioner for Operations and Chief Operating Officer
James Sigg

Office of Policy, Legislation, International Affairs
Deputy Commissioner for Policy, Planning, Legislation, and Analysis
Andi Fristedt, MPA

Office of the Chief Scientist
Chief Scientist
Namandje Bumpus, PhD

Reports directly to the Office of the Chief Scientist
National Center for Toxicological Research
Tucker Patterson, PhD

Reports directly to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs 

Office of Women’s Health
Associate Commissioner
Kaveeta Vasisht, MD, PharmD

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