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Outstanding Junior Investigator 2009--Present

This award recognizes a scientist who has made significant contributions to the mission of the FDA in the field of either basic or applied research or in regulatory review science. To be considered, the individual must be no more than 5 years past attaining their post–graduate degree. Accomplishments should be judged by the same general standards as those for the other science awards.

Kentaro Tohma, Ph.D. (CBER)
For developing new tools to study the genetic and antigenic evolution of fast-evolving RNA viruses: from individuals to global populations.



Rui Xiong, PhD (Visiting Scientist - NCTR)

For establishing an in vitro human airway test platform that provides a novel integrative approach to evaluate risks of human respiratory pathogens and inhaled toxicants.



Rebecca Racz Hernandorena, PharmD (CDER)

For research introducing machine learning and text mining regulatory approaches to identify new pediatric oncology drug targets, off target adverse events, and chemical toxicities.



Kyung Sung, PhD

For developing new experimental approaches for the assessment cell-based regenerative medicine products.


Maria Hoffmann, PhD
For outstanding and sustained contributions in food safety using novel application of WGS to improve FDA's ability to trace and type foodborne Salmonella.


Kimberly Kontson, PhD
For scientific research to advance the use of quantitative outcome measures in the assessment of neurological and physical medicine products.


Christopher Scully, PhD
For scientific research to advance physiological monitoring in emergency medicine and critical care.


Zhichao Liu, PhD (Visiting Scientist)
For consistently important contributions to collaborative research involving drug repositioning for rare diseases, DILI and liver carcinogen predictors, and regulatory text and data mining. 


Hongquan Wan, D.V.M., Ph.D., CBER
For outstanding research on influenza immunity that supports the development of effective influenza vaccines and therapeutics.


Kristin Marie Marshall, PhD
For developing a reproducible method for identification and sub-typing of Clostridium botulinum, the causative agent of botulism, and demonstrating its usefulness as an epidemiological tool


Daniel Tadesse, D.V.M., Ph.D, CVM
For coordinating the integration and implementation of microarray technology and whole genome sequencing into the Center for Veterinary Medicine’s antimicrobial resistance research projects.


Jie Zheng, Ph.D, D.V.M., CFSAN
For outstanding scientific achievement for elucidating critical Salmonella contamination pathways and for developing effective intervention strategies against foodborne Salmonella associated with the produce supply


Rebecca Bell, Ph.D., CFSAN
For outstanding scientific achievements in the areas of microbial ecology, rapid detection and identification of foodborne salmonellae known to contaminate the U.S. fresh‐cut produce supply


Narjol Gonzalez-Escalona, PhD, CFSAN
For effective detection and differentiation of foodborne bacterial pathogens through the development and application of groundbreaking and highly innovative molecular biologic methods of strain interrogation


Jonathan R. Deeds, PhD, CFSAN
For outstanding contributions in the development and implementation of DNA-barcoding methods for food safety.


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