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Voluntary eSTAR Program

June 9, 2023, Update: The electronic Submission Template and Resource (eSTAR) for Pre-Submissions is now available for submissions to CDRH. Please refer to the new eSTAR template.

Starting October 1, 2023, all 510(k) submissions, unless exempted, must be submitted as electronic submissions using eSTAR, as noted in the final guidance:

Electronic Submission Template for Medical Device 510(k) Submissions final guidance. eSTAR is the only available electronic submission template to facilitate the preparation of 510(k) electronic submissions.

The eSTAR is an interactive PDF form that guides applicants through the process of preparing a comprehensive medical device submission. This template contains:

  • Automation (for example, form construction and autofill)
  • Content and structure that is complementary to FDA internal review templates
  • Integration of multiple resources (for example, guidances and databases)
  • Guided construction for each submission section
  • Automatic verification

The eSTAR is free and available for voluntary use by all medical device applicants wishing to submit 510(k)s, De Novo requests, and Pre-Submissions to the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), and medical device applicants wishing to submit 510(k)s to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). The eSTAR is now available for use with combination products.

The voluntary eSTAR is intended to enhance the incoming quality of submissions for a wide range of medical devices by helping to ensure submitters provide quality, comprehensive data for premarket review. With a standardized format, submitters can ensure their submissions are complete, and the FDA can conduct premarket reviews more efficiently to help promote timely access to safe, effective, and high-quality medical devices.

For simplicity, the electronic submission created with this electronic submission template is often referred to as an eSTAR.

Due to the use of automatic verification, the FDA does not intend to conduct a Refuse to Accept (RTA) review for submissions submitted as an eSTAR.

On this page:

How to prepare a submission using eSTAR

  1. Download the proper eSTAR PDF template from the table below and save it before you open it in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

    Using Windows: In Microsoft Edge, right-click the link and select "Save Link As."

    Using Mac OS: In Safari, press "control" + click the link and select "Download Linked File."

  2. Read, understand, and follow the directions in the Introduction, Key, FAQ, and Version History sections of the eSTAR PDF template.
  3. Fill in the template accordingly. The template is only used for constructing, not submitting, your submission. The directions at the end of the template provide instructions on how to submit.

File Size: The CDRH Portal cannot receive eSTARs that are larger than 4 GB total or have attachments larger than 1 GB. If your eSTAR is greater than 4 GB or you have an attachment larger than 1 GB, please refer to the CDRH Portal website for additional instructions on how to proceed. Please ensure any attached images and videos are compressed in a Microsoft Windows compatible format viewable in native Windows OS applications or the VLC Media Player application (for example, JPEG, AVC MP4, HEVC MP4). We highly recommend using HEVC video compression for videos. Ultra-High-Definition videos should only be provided if high resolution is necessary to support the review of the device. Take care when determining the proper resolution to display features of interest in images and videos.

File Count: Please combine attachments of similar content (for example, Software Requirements Specifications) when possible so that only one attachment needs to be provided to each attachment type question in the eSTAR. Attachments may be combined in Adobe Acrobat Pro by choosing "Tools" then "Combine Files." We recommend that combined documents have bookmarks or contain a Table of Contents for easier review.

File Version: Please be sure to use the Updated Version when preparing a new submission if you intend to submit after the retirement date of the previous version. Although content in the Updated Version of eSTAR, located in the table below, will only be expected when the previous version is retired, you may choose to submit using the Updated Version of eSTAR immediately. The previous version can be submitted until the retirement date. Although we will not reject retired eSTAR versions if submitted, you may receive additional information requests related to the differences that exist between the submitted version and current version of eSTAR. Changes can be found in the “Version History” section on page one of the eSTAR.

Current eSTAR Versions1:

eSTAR PDF Template (you MUST right-click and download) This eSTAR template may be used to voluntarily submit to CDRH: Content is approved for collection under OMB numbers2:
Updated Version:
Non-In Vitro Diagnostic eSTAR Version 4
510(k) and De Novo medical device submissions for Non-In Vitro Diagnostic devices 0910-0120, 0910-0844
The Non-In Vitro Diagnostic Version 3 eSTAR will be retired on August 13, 2023:
Non-In Vitro Diagnostic (nIVD) eSTAR Version 3
510(k) and De Novo medical device submissions for Non-In Vitro Diagnostic devices 0910-0120, 0910-0844
Updated Version:
In Vitro Diagnostics eSTAR Version 4
510(k) and De Novo medical device submissions for In Vitro Diagnostic devices 0910-0120, 0910-0844
The In Vitro Diagnostic Version 3 eSTAR will be retired on August 13, 2023:
In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) eSTAR Version 3
510(k) and De Novo medical device submissions for In Vitro Diagnostic devices 0910-0120, 0910-0844
Early Submission Requests eSTAR (PreSTAR) Beta Version Pre-Submissions (a type of Q-Submission) for Non-In Vitro and In Vitro Diagnostic devices.3 0910-0756

1Minor version changes would not cause retirement of a prior eSTAR version. Therefore, only the major version numbers of eSTAR are reflected in the table above.

2An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless a currently valid OMB number is provided.

3The third and final eSTAR, referred to as the PreSTAR, contains content for Early Submission Requests and is now available for use. It should be used for both nIVDs and IVDs submitted to CDRH only, and currently only contains Pre-Submission content. The PreSTAR was not piloted or tested outside of the FDA and is considered a beta version with no known bugs. If you have feedback, or find malfunctions or errors, please contact eSubPilot@fda.hhs.gov.

How to submit an eSTAR


Send eSTAR premarket submissions online through the CDRH Customer Collaboration Portal (CDRH Portal):

By Mail:

Note: The FDA only intends to accept 510(k) submissions saved to a form of electronic storage media and mailed to the FDA if they are received by the FDA before October 1, 2023. For more information, see the guidance document, Electronic Submission Template for Medical Device 510(k) Submissions.

Submit eSTAR by mail to CDRH's Document Control Center (DCC):

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Document Control Center (DCC) – WO66-G609
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002

Important: The eSTAR does not need to comply with the eCopy Guidance document and it does not need to be zipped and placed in a MISC FILES folder. Any additional files provided alongside the eSTAR PDF need to comply with the eCopy Guidance document, although we strongly recommend not providing additional files alongside the eSTAR PDF.

You do not need to provide an Indications for Use page (Form FDA 3881), the Premarket Review Submission Cover Sheet (Form FDA 3514), or a Declaration of Conformity (if applicable) with your eSTAR since all are built into the eSTAR PDF. In addition, if you choose to use eSTAR to create your 510(k) Summary, you do not need to provide an additional 510(k) Summary with your eSTAR.

After you complete your eSTAR submission correctly, the status message at the top will indicate "eSTAR Complete." If you submit your eSTAR submission while the status message still indicates "eSTAR Incomplete," the FDA intends to use the eCopy Hold process to put your eSTAR on "eCopy Hold". The "eCopy Hold" email will include a screenshot of the "Verification" section of the eSTAR that lists the incomplete sections in the submitted eSTAR. Please be advised that the benefits of eSTAR (for example, no RTA review) are dependent on accurate responses and the FDA intends to verify the accuracy of your responses. Inaccurate responses (for example, inaccurate responses to drop down fields causing the eSTAR to omit subsequent questions) may lead to an early hold in the review of your submission.


The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) pilot program is free and available for voluntary use by applicants of CBER premarket notification (510(k)) submissions that wish to use the voluntary eSTAR Program. CBER's voluntary eSTAR Pilot Program is intended to help applicants gain experience with the review of and internal processes for 510(k) submissions using the eSTAR template. It is also intended to help applicants gain experience with use of the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway for CBER 510(k) submissions using the eSTAR template. During CBER's voluntary eSTAR Pilot Program, nine participants that meet the selection criteria outlined within the [Federal Register Notice] have the opportunity to participate in the eSTAR pilot program for submissions to CBER.

To be considered for CBER's voluntary eSTAR Pilot Program, a company should submit a statement of interest for participation to Industry.biologics@fda.hhs.gov with the subject line: "CBER Voluntary eSTAR Pilot Program." Within the email, the company should:

  • agree to submit a traditional, special, or abbreviated 510(k) for a medical device regulated by CBER using eSTAR within 1 month of acceptance to the CBER voluntary eSTAR Pilot Program.
  • provide a detailed description of the device to allow CBER to verify that the device is a CBER-regulated device.
  • have a willingness to provide feedback on eSTAR.

Participants selected for CBER's voluntary eSTAR Pilot Program should include the eSTAR PDF with embedded attachments and the cover letter in their submissions, and provide them to the FDA:

Who do I contact if I have questions about CBER's eSTAR Pilot?

  • If you have questions or feedback regarding CBER's voluntary eSTAR Pilot Program, an eSTAR PDF submitted to CBER, or if you have general questions about medical devices submitted to CBER, please contact the CBER Manufacturers Assistance and Technical Training Branch (MATTB) by email at Industry.biologics@fda.hhs.gov.
  • If you have any questions of submissions submitted to CBER through the Electronic Submission Gateway, please contact ESUBPREP@fda.hhs.gov.

How to submit responses to requests for additional information

Revise your original eSTAR and indicate in the "Application/Submission Type" section of the eSTAR that the Application Sub-Type is a response to a request for additional information. After you indicate the intent to provide a response to a request for additional information from the FDA, an additional section will appear near the end of the eSTAR where you can provide responses to requests for additional information.

What are the MDUFA User Fees associated with eSTAR submissions?

eSTAR submissions are subject to the user fees associated with the submission type (such as 510(k)). For the current user fee amounts, please see MDUFA User Fees.

What is the Review Timeline?

After the FDA receives an eSTAR submission, given that an electronic submission properly prepared with an electronic submission template should represent a complete submission, eSTAR submissions are not anticipated to undergo a refuse to accept (RTA) process. However, the FDA intends to employ a virus scanning and technical screening process for an eSTAR.

If the eSTAR submission is not complete when submitted, FDA will notify the submitter by email and identify the incomplete information, and the submission will be placed and remain on hold for 180 days or until a complete replacement eSTAR is submitted to the FDA.

For more information, see Electronic Submission Template for Medical Device 510(k) Submissions.

The remainder of a 510(k) review will be conducted according to the FDA guidance, "The 510(k) Program: Evaluating Substantial Equivalence in Premarket Notifications [510(k)]," following the procedures identified in 21 CFR 807 subpart E.

A De Novo classification request will be reviewed according to 21 CFR part 860 subpart D, and as described in the FDA guidance, "De Novo Classification Process (Evaluation of Automatic Class III Designation)."

Is eSTAR voluntary?

Yes, at this time, use of eSTAR is voluntary. However, starting October 1, 2023, all 510(k) submissions, unless exempted (as described in Section VI.A of the final guidance, Electronic Submission Template for Medical Device 510(k) Submissions), must be submitted as electronic submissions using eSTAR.

De Novo and Early Submission Requests (e.g. Pre-Submissions) submitted using eSTAR remain voluntary until further notice.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

If you have questions or feedback regarding the voluntary use of the eSTAR for medical devices regulated by CDRH, or if you have general questions about medical devices, please contact the Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE).

If you find any malfunctions or errors in the eSTAR template for medical devices regulated by CDRH, please contact eSubPilot@fda.hhs.gov.

If you have questions regarding 510(k)s, De Novo requests, or Early Submission Requests for medical devices regulated by CDRH, please contact OPEQSubmissionSupport@fda.hhs.gov.

More Information

Slowness in certain Adobe Acrobat Pro applications

Note: There is a JavaScript bug in certain Adobe Acrobat Pro applications that causes dynamic PDFs that use JavaScript in their functionality, like eSTAR, to run slower than normal. This slowness bug is not present in FoxIt PDF Reader, any version of Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017, and for at least some, but not all, users of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and the latest Adobe Acrobat Pro Windows versions.  Mac Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 64-bit does not appear affected. We are working with Adobe to help them resolve this bug. Until it is resolved we recommend you either: 1) disable Protected Mode by going to Edit->Preferences->Security (Enhanced) and uncheck the “Enable Protected Mode” checkbox at the top, which should resolve the Adobe bug for most, or 2) switch to one of the unaffected applications provided above. Alternatively, if you are unable to switch applications and disabling Protected Mode does not resolve the Adobe bug, please contact: eSubPilot@fda.hhs.gov

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