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  4. Misuse of Prescription Pain Relievers: The Buzz Takes Your Breath Away . . . Permanently (poster)
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Misuse of Prescription Pain Relievers: The Buzz Takes Your Breath Away . . . Permanently (poster)

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This resource is also available as a public service announcement (PDF - 81KB).

The Buzz Takes Your Breath Away. Permanently.

It starts with "just this once," and it can end there. Misuse of prescription pain relievers can kill you. If someone offers you oxy, percs, vics or some other party drug, think twice—because you only die once.

For information or help, call 1.800.662.HELP.

Brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and Food and Drug Administration.

Prescription pain relievers, when used correctly and under a doctor's supervision, are safe and effective.



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