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Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Organization Chart - Text Version

September 2023

The following header reflects the organizational hierarchy.

Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

The following is the Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research organization structure depicting all the organizational structures reporting to the office Director. These organizational structures are organized in sequential order by their assigned Standard Administrative code (Alphanumeric sequence of characters beginning with the letter D).
Each organizational component will be depicted in the following standard format:
Title of Organization
Position title of the manager
Public Health Service rank, if any, first name, middle initial if any, last name, post graduate degrees if any, and if the individual is designated as acting
Standard Administrative Code

Reports to the FDA Commissioner 
Patrizia Cavazzoni, MD 

The following offices report directly to the Center Director

Office of Regulatory Policy
Elizabeth Jungman, JD, MPH

Office of Management
Eric Stone, MBA

Office of Communications           
James-Denton Wyllie

Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology
Gerald Dal Pan, MD, MHS

Office of Compliance
Jill Furman, JD

Office of New Drugs
Peter P. Stein, MD

Office of Medical Policy
M. Khair ElZarrad, PhD, MPH

Office of Executive Programs
Mary Beth Clarke 

Office of Translational Sciences
ShaAvhree Buckman-Garner, MD, PhD, FAAP

Office of Strategic Programs
Mary Ann Slack

Office of Pharmaceutical Quality
Michael Kopcha, PhD

Office of Generic Drugs
Iilun C. Murphy, MD

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