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Excellence in Laboratory Science 2009--Present

Laboratory science includes, but is not limited to, applied biological, microbiological, biomedical, or chemical research. These studies may be related to the pharmacology, toxicology, safety, and efficacy of FDA-regulated products.
Examples include mechanistic studies of disease and pathogenicity, identification and analysis of emerging pathogens and contaminants introduced during the manufacturing process, the assessment and interpretation of surveillance measurement used to support policy, and regulatory action and development of methods to probe presence of adulterants or non-compliance in FDA regulated products

Stephen Glick, Ph.D. (CDRH)

For outstanding experimental imaging system and phantom development for the evaluation of breast and spectral imaging systems.


Surender Khurana, PhD (CBER)

For immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination to identify immune markers of protection, serodiagnosis, therapeutics and vaccines against COVID-19.


Fang Liu, PhD (NCTR)

For a comprehensive body of research work evaluating neurotoxic effects of general anesthetics on the developing central nervous system and the identification of predictive biomarkers.



Rachel Binet, MSc, PhD

For outstanding and sustained contributions in food safety, developing a Shigella/EIEC method and constructing fluorescent control strains for food testing laboratories.


Surender Khurana, PhD
For outstanding scientific achievements on work related to Ebola vaccination and infection: New molecular tools for better understanding of human immunity following different vaccines and infection to identify correlates of protection against Ebola.


Chava Kimchi-Sarfaty, MSc, PhD
For pioneering work in understanding the role of synonymous mutations in biology and medicine and the regulation of a new generation of therapeutic proteins.


Michael Brad Strader, PhD
For developing a quantitative method utilizing high-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry to characterize post translational modifications that occur in Hb exposed to oxidative stress.


Cristin Welle Hughes, PhD
For outstanding performance creating a thriving Neural Interfaces research program, dramatically improving the translation of leading-edge neurotechnologies and bolstering FDA's standing as an innovative partner.


Krishna Mohan V. Ketha, Ph.D., CBER
For significant contributions to the FDA mission in developing novel tools for combating bacterial contaminations in stored human platelets.


Tod Merkel, Ph.D., CBER
For exceptional research that enhances FDA’s ability to ensure that efficacious pertussis vaccines (whooping cough vaccines) are available for infants and children in the United States.


Goncalo Gamboa da Costa, PhD, NCTR
For elucidating the toxicities associated with melamine and cyanuric acid and providing leadership in the Laboratories of Mass Spectrometry and NMR Spectroscopy at the NCTR.


Eric Wayne Brown, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.S., CFSAN
For outstanding and enduring scientific achievement in food safety microbiology, leading to our greater understanding of the emergence, identification, and ecology of foodborne Salmonella


Howard Bassen, MS, CDRH
For sustained, outstanding scientific contributions and CDRH leadership in the research and application of electromagnetic measurements and computations for medical device electromagnetic compatibility and for electromagnetic radiation safety.


Nicholas Petrick, Ph.D., CDRH
For sustained, outstanding contributions and CDRH leadership in computer-aided diagnostics, evaluation tools for imaging products, and surrogate markers for drug trials


James Erich Keller, PhD, CBER
For recognition of exceptional scientific research on botulinum toxin that has contributed to FDA’s regulatory mission and to our nation’s preparedness again bioterror attacks.


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