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  1. Domestic MOUs

MOU 225-04-8000B

Memorandum of Understanding Between
The Food and Drug Administration
United States Department of Health and Human Services
and The Administration on Aging
United States Department of Health and Human Services


I. Purpose and Scope

This memorandum of understanding sets up the terms of collaboration between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Administration on Aging (AoA) to support education and information initiatives for older Hispanic Americans (60 years and over). FDA and AoA are entering this agreement to address issues affecting older Hispanic Americans within the extent of each organization's jurisdictions. FDA and AoA agree to work together to promote the "One Department" theme, improve health and health education outreach through new and continuing Departmental and organizationally specific initiatives.


II. Background

Food and Drug Administration

FDA is one of the nation's oldest consumer protection agencies. FDA's mission is to promote and protect the public health by helping safe and effective products reach the market in a timely way, and monitoring products for continued safety after they are in use. FDA regulates everything from the most common food ingredients to complex medical and surgical devices, lifesaving drugs, and radiation-emitting consumer and medical products. To carryout its mission, FDA employs some 10,000 staff that wwork in locations around the country. The network of 167 field offices is the first point of contact for the public and regulated manufacturers. The employees in these offices focus on inspection, surveillance, laboratory work, and public and industry education.


Administration on Aging AoA provides financial support to develop comprehensive and coordinated home and community-based care for older people and caregivers. AoA's mission is to promote the dignity and independence of older people, and to help society prepare for an aging population. Created in 1965 to carryout the Older Americans Act (OAA), AoA is a part of a federal, state, tribal and local partnership called the national Network on Aging. This network serves about 7 million older people and over 250,000 of their caregivers each year. The network consists of 56 State Agencies on Aging; 655 Area Agencies on Aging; 244 Tribal and Native organizations; two organizations that serve Native Hawaiians; 29,000 local service providers; and over 500,000 volunteers.


These organizations provide support and services to older individuals and their families in urban, suburban, and rural areas throughout the United States.


III. Substance of Agreement

FDA and AoA will work together to:

• Identify issues that affect older Hispanic Americans;

• Share perspectives and provide technical support on health care and educational needs of Older Hispanic Americans, and how policies affect older Americans.

• Cultivate and expand the partnerships with national Hispanic organizations, Hispanic electronic and print media, and other private organizations to support education and outreach to Hispanic and Latino communities.

• Develop and distribute culturally appropriate educational materials and caregivers tool kits on issues such as the safe use of medications and medication management, nutrition and healthy eating, drug interactions, adverse event reporting, antibiotic overuse, dietary supplements and health fraud.


IV. Names of Participating Parties and Liaisons:

Formal liaison is set up through appointing Agency Liaisons for FDA and AoA. The Liaisons will foster information exchange on the scope of the Agreement. Other roles of the Agency Liaisons may include working with interagency task groups to identify support and outreach opportunities.


Food and Drug Administration

Mary C. Hitch
Senior Policy Advisor

Food and Drug Administration
Office of Health and Constituent Affairs

10903 New Hampshire Avenue

Silver Spring, MD 20993



Administration on Aging

Marla Bush
International Coordinator
Administration on Aging
1 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20260


V. Period of Agreement

This agreement becomes effective on acceptance by both parties. It may be adjusted by mutual written consent or terminated by either party on a 60-day advance written notice to the other party. If there is ever an exchange of funds or services, a formal Interagency Agreement will be executed.

Approved and Accepted
for the Administration on Aging
Signed by: Assistant Secretary for Aging
Administration on Aging
Department of Health and Human Services
Date: October 17, 2003

Approved and Accepted
for the Food and Drug Administration

Signed by: Commissioner for Food and Drugs
Food and Drug Administration
Department of Health and Human Services
Date: October 17, 2003



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