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  1. Women's Health Research

OWH-Funded Research - by Topic Area

The research under way at FDA helps FDA scientists assess the toxicity or the safety, efficacy, quality, and performance of the medical and other products FDA regulates. This research also contributes to advances in science and technology in general and promotes innovation in medical product development and food and cosmetic safety.

The FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) awards research grants for 1-2 year studies to support FDA regulatory decision-making and advance the science of women’s health. OWH has funded research projects that address health issues affecting women across their lifespan including cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, bioinformatics, cancer, device safety, pregnancy/reproductive health, sex differences and women in clinical trials.

List of OWH Research Program Awards by Funding Year

Additional OWH Research Areas

Other FDA Research

This page only highlights the research supported by the FDA Office of Women’s Health. FDA’s Centers and Offices also support research projects addressing issues impacting women. Check these links to learn about other FDA research.

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