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Women's Health Research Roadmap - Priority Area 7: Emerging Technologies

Next Section: Moving Forward

Support the identification of sex differences related to the use of emerging technologies

Science and medical care continue to evolve, and new medical technologies and scientific fields continue to emerge. These include nanotechnology, pharmacogenomics, novel imaging technologies and methods, 3-D printing, and developments in regenerative medicine, to mention but a few. Advances in these areas should be accompanied by development and adoption of new methods and tools for evaluating new technologies in a way that considers sex and gender factors. Moreover, research in this area should enhance FDA’s ability to evaluate innovative products and novel technologies, which may help to efficiently integrate beneficial new products into health care for women. FDA must also be able to acquire and use new and emerging technologies to advance its research activities. Although it is beyond the capabilities of OWH to support FDA’s acquisition of new technologies and facilities, OWH will support studies to advance the understanding of the possible effects of sex differences on the use of these new technologies and scientific fields.

Public health will benefit from this research as long as we can be sure that novel technologies that have the potential to change the landscape of medicine will benefit women. Additionally, the consideration of sex differences during the development of new technologies will facilitate advances in precision therapy.


7.1 Examine sex differences early in the development of innovative health products, new materials, and novel assessment tools and methodologies, including but not limited to the following:

  • Nanotechnology
  • Precision medicine
  • Pharmacogenomics (metabolomics, epigenetics)
  • Novel imaging technologies and methods for improved diagnosis
  • 3-D Printing
  • Stem cells and regenerative medicine and stem cell technology
  • In silico modeling

Next Section: Moving Forward

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