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VCU TCORS Project 4: Using a Prospective Cohort Survey to Test Population-level Predictions Generated by Projects 1-3

Principal Investigator(s): Joanna E. Cohen

Funding Mechanism: National Institutes of Health – TCORS Grant

ID number: 2 U54 DA036105-06

Award Date: 8/28/18

Institution: Johns Hopkins University

Examining how potential regulatory actions influence product toxicity, user behavior, and product abuse liability in controlled settings can help generate predictions regarding regulatory consequences at the population level. However, the extent to which these predictions reflect real-world behavior should be tested. The goal of this project is to survey current exclusive e-cigarette users and e-cigarette/cigarette dual users (ages 18 and older) to test population-level predictions that arise from the studies conducted in Projects 1-3 of the VCU TCORS. Specifically, the study will assess the population-level effects of three potential regulatory actions: limits on e-cigarette liquid nicotine concentration, constraints on e-cigarette nicotine flux, and reduction in e-cigarette flavor availability. Study aims are: (1) to assess relationships among nicotine concentration, amount of e-cigarette liquid consumed, and device power; (2) to assess relationships among nicotine flux and e-cigarette use, dependence and transitions; and (3) to examine associations between availability of e-cigarette liquid flavors and e-cigarette use behavior. After an initial survey, follow-up survey waves will occur regularly for four years. Survey questions will be designed to monitor e-cigarette use behaviors and e-cigarette liquid and device characteristics. Measures will include frequency of use; current device type, wattage, voltage, and resistance; presence of nicotine; nicotine concentration, propylene glycol/vegetable glycerin ratio; flavor preference; frequency of do-it-yourself e-cigarette liquid mixing; method, location and price of purchase; length of e-cigarette/tobacco cigarette cessation (if any); abstinence effects; tobacco cravings; dependence; and respiratory symptoms.  A subgroup of participants will undergo puff topography measurement so that nicotine flux can be calculated. 

VCU TCORS: Center for the Study of Tobacco Products Related Resources

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