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  4. Excellence in Social and Behavioral Science 2016- Present
  1. About Science & Research at FDA

Excellence in Social and Behavioral Science 2016- Present

Social and behavioral science is used to enhance the use of information that FDA provides to the public. It includes the development of messages; testing how the public understands information; ensuring that the way FDA delivers information to relevant populations is optimal; and assessing the impact of the information on public understanding, attitudes, and behaviors. FDA achieves this by conducting social and behavioral research, encouraging extramural research, and seeking expert advice.

Dannielle Kelley, Ph.D., M.P.H. (CTP)
For leading a multi-prong research program to understand youth use, perceptions, and intentions to use tobacco products by analyzing digital tobacco marketing.”

Katherine Toran, PhD (OC)

For work creating a profile of the veterinary medicine industry.




Brian Lappin, MA

For excellence in advancing public health communications by implementing customized, real time dashboards and "buzz" reports to allow FDA to produce automated measures of social media data themes.

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