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  8. NCTR International Programs and Activities
  1. Science & Research (NCTR)

NCTR International Programs and Activities

Global Summit on Regulatory Science (GSRS)
International Training Programs
International Outreach Partnerships

NCTR engages with scientists across FDA and other government agencies, industry, and academia in cooperative efforts to strengthen the scientific foundations vital to developing sound regulatory policy, to promoting global harmonization, and to promoting international standardization of regulatory science through:

  • Multidisciplinary scientific training opportunities for scientists in the global research community.

  • Participation in national and international scientific societies, workgroups, and advisory panels.

  • National and international collaborations,and increased global outreach with FDA's Office of International Programs.

Global Summit on Regulatory Science (GSRS)

The Global Summit on Regulatory Science is an international conference for discussion of innovative technologies and partnership to enhance translation of the basic science into regulatory applications within the global context. The conference provides an opportunity for scientists from government, industry, and academic-research communities to objectively assess the utility of emerging technologies (such as nanotechnology, imaging, omics for translational science and personalized medicine) for addressing regulatory-research questions and to discuss the best way to translate these technologies into real-world applications. This is a unique conference where the regulators, policy makers, and bench scientists from various countries can exchange their views on how to develop, apply, and implement the innovative methodologies into regulatory assessments in their respective countries as well as harmonize the strategy between countries via collaboration. To engage the global community to address regulatory science research and training needs, GSRS will be held in different countries on an annual basis.

NCTR International Training Programs

NCTR provides opportunities  for scientists from other countries to obtain hands-on laboratory experience by working with experienced FDA researchers.

International Training

NCTR International Outreach Partnerships

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