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NCTR Strategic Plan

NCTR Strategic Plan 2014-2017

In support of FDA’s mission to promote and protect public health, NCTR’s Strategic Plan focuses on three strategic goals:

To accomplish its mission, NCTR has established three strategic goals to ensure the conduct of innovative regulatory-science research vital to FDA. Regulatory Science—the science of developing and establishing tools, standards, and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality and performance of regulated products—is the foundation of decision-making at FDA.

Goal 1: Advance scientific approaches and tools required to support public health

Goal 1 identifies specific objectives that align with the priorities outlined in FDA’s Advancing Regulatory Science Plan. This goal illustrates the importance of maintaining a strong basic-science core; one that allows NCTR to be flexible to ever-changing research needs. 

Goal 2: Promote global interactions in regulatory science research

Goal 2 defines initiatives that promote NCTR’s global activities dedicated to building and strengthening the product safety net around the world.

Goal 3: Improve administrative management and develop new communication materials and methods to support HHS/FDA science goals

Goal 3 focuses on recruiting and retaining highly qualified scientists and staff, improving business processes, and extending the reach of NCTR’s internal and external communications.

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National Center for Toxicological Research
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National Center for Toxicological Research

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