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  5. Requesting a CTP Speaker
  1. Contact CTP

Requesting a CTP Speaker

Organizations frequently ask CTP employees to give a speech, make a presentation, or participate on a panel, meeting, or webinar related to CTP regulations, policies, and initiatives.

To facilitate these requests, CTP requires that an on-line speaker request form be completed and sent to CTPSpeakerRequests@fda.hhs.gov.

You must attach the following to the speaker request:

  • Formal letter of invitation on the organization's letterhead
  • Program agenda with all invited speakers and topics (drafts are acceptable)

What happens after your CTP speaker request has been submitted? 

  • You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your speaker request.
  • Allow a minimum of 30 business days for CTP to process the request and provide a response.
  • The appropriate office(s) within CTP will be contacted by the speaker liaison to determine the appropriate speaker. If additional details are needed, the speaker liaison will work with the requesting organization to collect the necessary information.
  • Once a determination has been made, the speaker liaison will provide the official notification of CTP’s participation to the requesting organization.

Some factors that may be used by CTP management in considering requests are: timeliness of the topic, availability of staff, geographical location of meeting, targeted audience, expected number of attendees, and availability of funds to cover travel costs (if necessary). To allow adequate time for review, decision making, and necessary travel preparations, organizations should submit the speaker request three to four months in advance of an event held in the United States. For international events, the organization should submit the speaker request four to six months in advance. (As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CTP staff are drastically limiting travel.  At this time, only requests for virtual presentations will be considered.)

Request a CTP Speaker

To submit a speaker request for an event that includes multiple centers within the Agency, see Requesting Cross-agency Speakers from FDA. For information about requesting speakers from another FDA center, please view our Frequently Asked Questions.

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