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CTP’s Exchange Lab Offers Free Tobacco Education Materials

CTP’s Exchange Lab can help you keep your community informed about tobacco-related issues.

What is CTP’s Exchange Lab? 

The Exchange Lab, run by the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), provides free print materials, web content, and social media posts to help keep communities informed about tobacco-related issues. We offer a wide variety of science-based content focused on public health education, tobacco research, retailer information, and tobacco regulations and compliance.  

In Exchange Lab, you can: 

Content Available in Spanish 

Do you need to reach Spanish-speaking audiences with information about the dangers of tobacco use? A number of our print materials, including popular posters and flyers, are offered in Spanish. 

CTP Exchange Lab posters

Posters, Images, and…Games?!

Not only is the Exchange Lab chock full of posters, flyers, images and infographics to help you educate your stakeholders about the harms of tobacco, but now you can get two newly-available tobacco education games to put on your website. 

Tooth Takedown Game

Tooth Take Down game

Teach visitors to your site how smoking can damage their teeth by playing the interactive Tooth Takedown Game. The game simulates gum disease and tooth loss caused by smoking cigarettes.

Brain Escape Game

Brain Escape game

Visitors to your site will learn about the impact nicotine has on their brain every time they smoke cigarettes. Through playing the Brain Escape Game, they’ll try to avoid the nicotine in this interactive game. 

Data Widgets for Your Website

If you’re interested in displaying smoking-related data, facts, and statistics, the Exchange Lab now includes data widgets that showcase this pertinent information via graphics and an interactive map. Sign in to Exchange Lab to get the code. 

Data widget web graph

Get Started

If you want to stay up on the latest free tobacco education materials from the Center for Tobacco Products Exchange Lab, make sure you register for Exchange Lab's updates

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It is our goal to provide free tobacco education materials to you in an easy and effective manner so we can join you in keeping your community informed. If you have questions or need assistance using Exchange Lab, please contact us.


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