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  1. Food Chemical Safety

Lists of Select Chemicals in the Food Supply Under FDA Review

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The FDA assesses the safety of exposure to chemicals in the food supply. This includes ingredients considered generally recognized as safe (GRAS), food additives, color additives, food contact substances, and contaminants.

The FDA may initiate post-market assessments in response to requests from external stakeholders, such as through petitions or notifications, and on the agency’s initiative when a review is warranted based on scientific evidence. We may reassess the safety of food ingredients, food contact substances, and contaminants as new, relevant data become available.

The following lists include select food ingredients (including food and color additives), food contact substances, and contaminants under FDA review as of July 12, 2023. While these are not intended to be comprehensive lists of the chemicals under the FDA’s review, they represent some of the chemicals that are of high interest among stakeholders who have asked the FDA to review their safety. They also include contaminants that we are focused on as part of our established programs, such as the Closer to Zero initiative. The FDA anticipates updating these lists periodically.

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