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National Women's Health Week (NWHW) 2022

KNOWHmore to Optimize Your Maternal Health

National Women's Health Week - Doctor consulting with pregnant woman

National Women's Health Week (NWHW) May 8-14, 2022, is an annual weeklong observance that begins on Mother’s Day and encourages women to make their health a priority and take care of themselves. For National Women’s Health Week 2022, the FDA Office of Women’s Health is focusing on and sharing resources on maternal health. Our theme for the week is KNOWHmore to Optimize Your Maternal Health

Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period. Having a baby can be a joyous and emotional time, and each stage of the process should be a positive experience. #KNOWHmore to help women and their babies reach their full potential for health and well-being. Check out our latest blog post for maternal health resources including before, during, and after pregnancy.

OWH-JH CERSI Leveraging Real World Data to Study Medication Use in Pregnancy and Lactation

Leveraging Real-World Data to Study Medication Use in Pregnancy and Lactation
May 9, 2022, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM ET
Hosted by the FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) and the Johns Hopkins Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (JH CERSI)

African American mom kissing baby.jpg

Join FDA Office of Women’s Health and CDER Office of New Drugs, Division of Pediatrics and Maternal Health on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 for a Public Webinar titled:

Pregnancy and Lactation Medication Information for the Healthcare Provider

Pregnancy and Lactation Medication Information for the Healthcare Provider

This webinar will discuss the FDA’s current pregnancy and lactation labeling system, also known as the Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule (PLLR). This system replaced a previous approach that used letter categories. This webinar will cover lessons learned and feedback received from healthcare providers about the current system, and will help learners examine how prescription drug labeling can be used to inform prescribing in pregnant and lactating individuals. See Activity Outline and Continuing Education Information.

CME/CNE/CPE available
Open to the public

Register Today!

Portrait of caucasian woman in advanced pregnancy holding yellow tulips

Healthcare Providers & Public Health Professionals

We’ve compiled digital and print resources for you to share valuable information with your friends, family, community, and patients. Share valuable NWHW messages today!

Sample Twitter Content

This National Women’s Health Week, we encourage women to take charge of their maternal health! Want to #KHOWHmore about important women’s health topics? Follow @FDAWomen to get valuable resources throughout the week. #NWHW http://bit.ly/FDAwomen

NWHW Pregnant black woman with happy friend

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