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Chief Scientist Publication Award for Basic, Translational, or Applied Science 2015-Present


Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

For publication of the first study of macrophage distribution and dynamics in human eyes published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Daniel X. Hammer, PhD (CDRH)



Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development

For being the first to demonstrate that immune responses to Cas9 could have consequences for the clinical applications of Cas9-mediated gene editing.


Vijaya L. Simhadri, PhD



For the novel application of a chemical assay to detecting and quantifying residual protein and microbial biofilms on surfaces.

Kenneth Scott Phillips, PhD



For exceptional contribution in developing a novel fluorescence-based bionanosensor for rapidly detecting biologically active Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin serotypes at toxicologically relevant concentrations


Timothy Duncan, PhD


For developing a publication describing a novel concept for reusing oncology drugs for rare diseases by examining similar mutations and pathways common to cancers and rare diseases. 

Zhichao Liu PhD
Hong Fang, PhD
William Slikker,PhD
Weida Tong, PhD 

For exceptional contribution to applied physics and regulatory science in generating a novel
high resolution computational model of the human head and neck.

Maria Iacono, et al
Esther Akinnagbe-Zustereel, PhD Kelsey Bower, BSE
Ethan Cohen, PhD Maria Iacono, PhD Wolfgang Kainz, PhD, MS
Leonardo M. Angelone, PhD 

For contributions leading to better understanding of the technical performance and clinical usefulness of next-generation sequencing technologies that prepare FDA's readiness for reviewing data from this emerging genomics technology.

Hong Fang, PhD
James C. Fuscoe, PhD
Binsheng Gong, PhD, MA (ORISE Fellow)
Huixiao Hong, PhD
Joseph Meehan
Weida Tong, PhD
Joshua Xu, MS, PhD



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