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Compliance, Enforcement & Training

FDA vigorously enforces the Tobacco Control Act (TCA), which provides FDA with a wide array of powerful regulatory tools to protect the health of all American families.

Compliance and Enforcement

FDA closely monitors retailer, manufacturer, importer, and distributor compliance with federal tobacco laws and regulations and takes regulatory or enforcement action when violations occur. To assist regulated industry, CTP created a flowchart that outlines and describes the compliance and enforcement process related to the manufacture, distribution, and sale of unauthorized electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).

FDA takes a multi-pronged approach to help industry comply with the law by:

Helping Retailers Comply with FDA Regulations

Retailers play an important role in protecting the health of young people by following the law and refusing to sell regulated tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. Find more information on our website, including:

FDA Age Calculator

Download the “FDA Age Calculator,” a voluntary smartphone application to help retailers comply with federal, state, and local age restrictions for selling tobacco products.

Apple App Store Google Play

Manufacturer, Distributor, and Importer Compliance

To legally sell a new FDA-regulated tobacco product in the United States, you must receive a written order from FDA permitting the sale of a new tobacco product under one of three pathways to market.

In addition, any products marketed with modified risk claims must have an FDA order in effect that permits such sale or distribution.

If your product is found to be Not Substantially Equivalent (NSE), it is illegal to sell or distribute the product in interstate commerce and to import the product into the United States.

Manufacturers may not distribute any smokeless tobacco product without a required warning statement for every smokeless tobacco package and advertisement.

If you are found in violation of FDA rules and regulations, your product will be considered "misbranded" and/or "adulterated," making it illegal to sell or distribute the product in interstate commerce and to import the product into the United States. Doing so may result in FDA initiating regulatory action (e.g., seizures, injunctions).

FDA restricts the way tobacco manufacturers, retailers, and distributers can advertise and regulated tobacco products, especially marketing efforts designed to appeal to youth.

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