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  1. Office of the Chief Counsel

Organization of the Office of Chief Counsel, Food and Drug Administration

Management Team

Mark Raza
Chief Counsel

Amanda Edmonds
Acting Senior Deputy Chief Counsel

Pete Beckerman
Acting Principal Deputy Chief Chief Counsel

Perham Gorji 
Deputy Chief Counsel for Litigation

Shannon Singleton
Acting Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel

Wendy Vicente
Deputy Chief Counsel for Litigation

Shoshana Hutchinson
Acting Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel

Halley Kropa
Acting Deputy Chief Counsel for Program Review for Review for Foods and Veterinary Medicine 

Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel (vacant)

David Mednick
Deputy Chief Counsel for Program Review for Devices and Tobacco

Tom Sundlof
Acting Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel

Uta Rawson
Acting Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel

Deborah Chasan-Sloan
Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel for Program for Drugs and Biologics

Kim Dettelbach
Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel

Abigail Brandel
Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel

Assistant Deputy Chief Counsel 

Jennifer Zamora
Supervisory Administrative Officer


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