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National Black Family Cancer Awareness

An Oncology Center of Excellence Project Community Initiative #BlackFamCan

NBFCAW Main Evergreen

Cancer Awareness Equals Empowerment

The FDA Oncology Center of Excellence began its National Black Family Cancer Awareness initiative in 2021 coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the National Cancer Act and the signing of Presidential Executive Order 13985, with a week-long social media campaign to increase cancer awareness in one of the most vulnerable segments of the US population. This initiative, now a year-round project, aims to marshal community-based stakeholders to build knowledge surrounding cancer clinical trial participation and minority population specimen donations to national genomic databases for cancer research. Our 2023 activities began in January with stakeholder meetings and culminated in the one-week social media campaign, June 15-21. 

Visit this page periodically for updates on plans for the 4th Annual National Black Family Cancer Awareness initiative, June 13-19, 2024.

Thank you to the patients, families, communities, advocacy groups and organizations who participated in the 2023 National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week, #BlackFamCan, including Sonequa Martin-Green of Star Trek: Discovery and Chandra Wilson of Grey's Anatomy.

Sonequa Martin-Green joins Project Community

Chandra Wilson joins Project Community


Watch the June 15, 2023, recording of our public panel discussion supporting the 3rd Annual National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week, Conversation on Cancer: National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week—Engaging the Generations public panel discussion.

Please continue sharing your engagement with #BlackFamCan all year long by posting any outcomes from your activities or personal messages, photos, and videos about the impact of National Black Family Cancer Awareness using the hashtag. 

Check out our #BlackFamCan Social Media Toolkit below

In conjunction with White House Cancer Moonshot goals, Project Community urges 2023 National Black Family Cancer Awareness initiative participants to remain committed to coordinating activities and social media messaging around the following: 

  • Close the screening gap  
  • Understand and address environmental exposure  
  • Decrease the impact of preventable cancers  
  • Bring cutting edge research through the pipeline to patients and communities  
  • Support patients and caregivers  

#BlackFamCan Social Media Toolkit

This social media toolkit contains National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week (NBFCAW) graphics, YouTube videos and our NEW customizable selfie frame for social media! Designed to help your community promote participation in NBFCAW.

Customizable Selfie Frame!

Download, save to your device, add your selfie and share to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn! Use the hashtag #BlackFamCan

How to superimpose (overlay) the selfie frame on your image

Green #BlackFamCan Selfie


  • Download and save the selfie frame.

  • Open a new project in the photo program or app as a square or set as equal dimensions. There are several free superimpose apps for iPhone and Android. 

  • Upload the selfie frame.

  • Add your image and resize if necessary.

  • Add selfie frame over your image and resize if necessary.

  • Export or save project as a new image.

  • Upload and share on your social media channels!

Click here to watch an instructional video.

Download and Share Social Media Graphics

YouTube promotional #BlackFamCan videos to link and share

National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week


Be first to promote NBFCAW with your friends, post #BlackFamCan on your social media channels June 15-21, 2023

Run time: 12 seconds

OCE Director Richard Pazdur, MD

For HBCU's
and Faith-based Orgs

Help raise awareness for those at greatest risk, National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week, June 15-21, 2023

Run time: 1:08

Answer the Call

Answer the call

Making Clinical Trials Available, National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week
June 15-21, 2023

Run time:33 Seconds

Power of Community

Power of Community

There is still time to plan for National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week, #BlackFamCan June 15-21, 2023

Run time: 1:08

How to Use

Download, socialize and customize the content in ways that fit the needs of your channels, messaging, and audience 

  • Download: Treat these tools and copyright-free materials as your own, with this caveat—the FDA logo must not be re-purposed for use on other webpages or non-FDA materials. Please remember to use #BlackFamCan.
  • Socialize: #BlackFamCan materials are designed to be shared. Use your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other social media account to help Project Community promote cancer awareness.
  • Customize: Add your organization’s logo and URL or pair these graphics with a social media message of your own.


Connect With Us!

Twitter: #BlackFamCan, #OCEProjectCommunity

Email: OCE-Engagement@fda.hhs.gov


Additional Information

OCE’s Project Community

Conversations on Cancer

FDA  Information Resources


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