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Quantitative Assessment of the Net Effects on Fetal Neurodevelopment from Eating Commercial Fish (As Measured by IQ and also by Early Age Verbal Development in Children)

June 2014

This assessment represents an effort by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to improve its understanding of health effects on U.S. consumers from eating commercial fish. It was first issued in draft in January 2009. That draft estimated effects for three health endpoints for which methylmercury in commercial fish is a potential risk factor: (1) fetal neurodevelopment, (2) fatal coronary heart disease (CHD), and (3) fatal stroke. This assessment contains revised estimates for fetal neurodevelopment. The estimates for fatal coronary heart disease and fatal stroke remain in draft as issued in 2009.

Download the Full Assessment (PDF: 3.9MB)

Peer Review of the Assessment

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