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  1. About the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)

May Nelson, JD, MPA
Leadership Role

May Nelson JD, MPA
May Nelson, JD, MPA

May Nelson is the director of the Office of Regulations (OR) at the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP). She was appointed to that position in January 2021.

Ms. Nelson has over 20 years of regulatory experience working at FDA in numerous senior leadership positions. Prior to becoming director of OR, Ms. Nelson served as the office’s deputy director since 2011. She has been with CTP since it was first formed in 2009.

Prior to joining CTP, Ms. Nelson was a regulatory counsel in the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition’s Office of Regulations, Policy, and Social Sciences, from 2000 to 2009.

Ms. Nelson has a Bachelor of Science, Biology from Syracuse University; a Master of Public Administration from The Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University; and a Juris Doctor from the College of Law, Syracuse University.

Contact Information
May Nelson,
1-877-287-1373 (9am EST-4pm EST)
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