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  5. Webinar on the New Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods (LAAF) Program - 10/27/2022
  1. Workshops, Meetings & Webinars on Food and Dietary Supplements


Event Title
Webinar on the New Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods (LAAF) Program
October 27, 2022

October 27, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) will be holding an informational webinar on Thursday, October 27, 2022, from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm (ET) on the new Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods (LAAF) program, which establishes a laboratory accreditation program for the testing of food in certain circumstances.

The LAAF final rule was published on December 3, 2021. Under the LAAF program, FDA will recognize accreditation bodies (ABs) that will accredit laboratories to the standards established in the final rule (referred to as LAAF-accredited laboratories).

During the webinar, FDA will provide an overview of the program and aspects of its implementation most relevant to accreditation bodies and laboratories that may be interested in participating. FDA will both answer pre-submitted questions and take questions during the October 27 webinar.

The final rule specifies eligibility requirements that ABs and laboratories wishing to participate in the program will need to satisfy, as well as procedures for how the FDA will manage and oversee the program. In certain circumstances, owners and consignees will be required to use a LAAF-accredited laboratory for food testing. FDA will maintain an online public registry listing recognized accredited bodies and LAAF-accredited laboratories.

The establishment of the LAAF program is intended to improve the accuracy and reliability of certain food testing through the use of uniform standards and enhanced FDA oversight of participating laboratories.


To register for the webinar and to submit a question in advance, please visit the registration page

Meeting Recording

The webinar will be recorded and posted to this page.



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