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  5. Research and Development of Radioanalytical Capabilities for Detection of Radionuclides in Food - 02/11/2021 - 02/11/2021
  1. FDA Grand Rounds

Webcast | Virtual

Event Title
Research and Development of Radioanalytical Capabilities for Detection of Radionuclides in Food
February 11, 2021

February 11, 2021

About the Speaker:

Zhichao Lin, Ph.D.
Sr. Research Chemist, FDA Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center
Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)

Dr. Lin is a senior research chemist in FDA’s Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center. He has interdisciplinary expertise in radiochemistry, radiation detection, reference material development, interlaboratory collaborative study, regulatory science, and statistical analysis.  Serving as FDA’s leading expert on radiological food safety, he directs mission-critical projects to support the FDA’s food safety compliance and radiological emergency response programs, which include radioanalytical metrology research, interlaboratory collaborative study, and radiological proficiency testing. He also collaborates with instrument manufacturers and scientific organizations on developing and validating novel radiation detection technologies and methods. As an accomplished research scientist, he received 14 achievement awards, co-authored 29 peer-reviewed articles, presented at 68 scientific conferences, and served as subject matter expert at national and international technical workshops. Prior to joining the FDA, he worked at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) where he conducted research on radioanalytical metrology, development of radioactive standard reference materials, and radioanalytical measurement traceability. Dr. Lin earned a Ph.D. in analytical, nuclear, and environmental chemistry from University of Maryland.

About the Presentation:

This presentation will detail research studies on developing various radioanalytical methods essential to radiological food emergency responses.  Techniques for preparation and verification of food-based radioactive reference materials will also be discussed. The presented research efforts have closed the gaps in the current radioanalytical capability and strengthened federal-state partnerships in overcoming known radioanalytical challenges, which significantly enhanced the nation’s preparedness and readiness in safeguarding the nation’s food supply and public health in the event of a large-scale nuclear or radiological emergency.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify types of radiation exposure and related health effects.
  • Identify sources of radioactive contaminants concerning food safety.
  • Describe various techniques used for analysis of radionuclides in food.
  • Explain methodological problems and technical solutions pertaining to radionuclide analysis.
  • Discuss significance of leveraging nationwide radioanalytical laboratory resources to increase testing capacity.
  • Summarize key considerations in developing fit-for-purpose reference materials.
  • Explain the importance of data quality and comparability and how to achieve this.


Event Materials

Title File Type/Size
Activity Outline FDA Grand Rounds: February 11, 2021 pdf (224.73 KB)
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