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Food Ingredients & Packaging

FDA regulates the safety of substances added to food. We also regulate how most food is processed, packaged, and labeled.

Food Chemical Safety

The FDA protects consumers from harmful exposure to chemicals in food that would have an adverse impact on human health, through a comprehensive, science-driven, and modernized approach.

Feed Your Mind Education and Outreach Initiative

Better understand genetically engineered foods (GMOs)


The FDA maintains educational information, databases and listings related to food allergens, ingredients, food additives, color additives and GRAS substances.

Packaging & Food Contact Substances

Access program information, inventories, and databases related to food packaging and other substances that come in contact with food.

Irradiation of Food & Packaging

FDA provides regulatory and scientific information about irradiated food and packaging. Irradiation may be used to increase shelf-life and reduce harmful bacteria in meat, poultry, vegetables and other foods.

Environmental Decisions

FDA assesses the environmental impact of its regulatory actions. Therefore, manufacturers must include an environmental assessment with their petitions and notifications, unless exempt.

Food from New Plant Varieties

Foods produced from genetically engineered plants must meet the same food safety requirements as foods derived from traditionally bred plants.

Food Made with Cultured Animal Cells

Taking a small number of cells from living animals and growing them in a controlled environment to create food is an emerging area of food science.

Industry Guidance


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