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Pregnancy Video English Transcript

Resources for You and Your Baby: FDA and Text4baby

Scene 1: At the Café

(Kathy and Elizabeth are sitting at a table in a café talking and eating. Music is playing in the background and other customers are having conversations.)

Kathy: So glad I don’t have morning sickness. I feel like I can eat everything in sight.

Elizabeth: I was the same way. The worst is behind you. You should start feeling better each day. How is your asthma? Did you talk to the doctor?

Kathy: No. And you sound like my mother.

Elizabeth: She’s right. Don’t take it so lightly.

(Elizabeth’s phone buzzes indicating an incoming text message.) Elizabeth picks up the phone to read the message.)

Kathy: Hmmh And that text? Hot date with your husband?

Elizabeth: My husband.. Yeah right. No Seriously…I signed up for text4baby, a free text message service for pregnant women.

Kathy: My doctor told me about that.

Elizabeth: They send texts on healthy eating, checkups, your baby’s development, and something very important for you: taking medicine while pregnant!

(Kathy picks up fork to start eating again.)

Elizabeth: Listen to the text I just got…“Your baby is almost here. Ask how vaccines protect your newborn…” There is a lot you need to learn before your baby is born.

Kathy: I know

Elizabeth: These texts are really helpful. They are free and you don’t have to worry about ads from them. You should sign up! I did it when I was 6 months but you can do it anytime. All you have to do is text “baby” to 511411. They’ll ask for your baby’s due date and your zip code.

Kathy: OK. OK I’m signing up now.

(Kathy is texting from her phone “baby” to 511411.)

Kathy: WOW! OK Liz you were right. It was easy. I just got my first message! See.

Elizabeth:I told you

(Soft music is playing in the background as the screen transitions to the next scene.)

Scene 2: At the Doctor’s Office

(Kathy and her obstetrician Dr. Méndez are sitting in the doctor’s office talking after Kathy’s monthly check-up.)

Doctor Méndez: Hi Kathy, How are you feeling?

Kathy: Wonderful (Sarcastically)… Well, Now that the morning sickness is over, I feel much better.

Doctor Méndez: I’m glad to hear that. What else is new?

Kathy: I signed up for text4baby.

Doctor Méndez: text4baby is an excellent service. I recommend it to my patients. They send you FREE text messages while you are pregnant and up until your baby’s first birthday.

Kathy: Um, I got a message saying that I should talk to my doctor about medicines.

Doctor Méndez: I’m glad they sent you that reminder. Not all medications are safe to take during pregnancy. But you don’t want to stop taking something that you really do need.

Kathy: Like the medicine for my asthma.

Doctor Méndez: Exactly. I’m already monitoring your asthma so if we need to make any changes to your medications I’ll let you know. But it’s important to let me know before you start or stop any medications even medicine for headache.

Kathy: Thanks. You’re always looking out for me.

Doctor Méndez: Take this fact sheet from the FDA. It has good medication tips to keep you and your baby safe.

(Dr. Méndez hands Kathy a one page fact sheet entitled “Medicine and Pregnancy.)

Kathy: I’ll read it tonight.

Doctor Méndez: And here’s something else. The FDA also has a website on pregnancy exposure registries. They are studies that collect information from women like you who take prescription medicines for health problems like asthma, high blood pressure, and other conditions.

(A close-up shot zooms in on the FDA pregnancy registry post card that Kathy is holding.)

Kathy: Thanks. I’ll check it out.

Doctor Méndez: How is Liz? Her baby is due soon.

Kathy: Yes. She’s doing very well. Still acting like my mom. (laughs) We’re going to throw her a surprise baby shower this afternoon.

Doctor Méndez: How nice. Well give her my best.

Kathy: I will.

Doctor Méndez: Let me know if you have any other problems.

Kathy: I will. Thank you. See you next month.

Doctor Méndez: Take care.

Kathy: Bye

(Soft music is playing in the background as the screen transitions to the next scene.)

Scene 3: At Surprise Baby Shower

(Kathy and Elizabeth walk in the door at Kathy’s house.)

Elizabeth: I’m so glad everything went well with Doctor Mendez and that you are healthy.

Kathy: Yes

Elizabeth: With the doctor, the texts, and my help… you should have a lot of good advice by the time your baby comes.

Kathy: Yes. Thank you so much.

Elizabeth: No problem. I was glad for the help when I had my first baby. Now look at me. Ready to have number three.

Kathy: Ha Ha Yeah I know Any day now.

(Kathy holds Elizabeth by the arm and directs her to the dining room.)

Elizabeth: What are you doing?

Everyone: Surprise!

(Elizabeth walks into the room and is greeted by her husband holding balloons. She walks across the room hugging and greeting her friends and family.)

Elizabeth: What in the... Oh my god! What!

Incomprehensible background chatter.

Elizabeth: Are you kidding me? What?

(Elizabeth is seated at the table holding gifts for the baby.)

Elizabeth: Oh my gosh. This is so sweet you guys. Oh.

Scene 4: Text4baby closing screen

(Text4baby Logo is shown on the screen. “Text BABY to 511411” )

Voiceover Narration: Text4baby sends helpful tips throughout your pregnancy and up to your baby’s 1st birthday. To get these free messages just text “baby” to 511411.

Scene 5: FDA Office of Women’s Health closing screen

(FDA Office of Women’s Health logo is shown on the screen.)

Voiceover Narration: For additional information about safe medication use during your pregnancy, visit www.fda.gov/pregnancy

Scene 5: Closing screen

(Logos for the FDA Office of Women’s Health and the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition are shown on the screen.)

Voiceover Narration: This video was developed through a collaboration between the FDA Office of Women’s Health and the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition.


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