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Tao Han Ph.D.

Senior Staff Fellow — Division of Systems Biology

Dr. Tao Han
Tao Han, Ph.D.

(870) 543-7391

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Dr. Tao Han received his B.S. degree in microbiology in 1989. He then received an M.S. degree in microbiology in 1992 at Shandong University, P.R. China. In 1996 he received his Ph.D. in microbiology from the Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Science. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Ohio State University from 1997 to 1999. Dr. Han then worked as a research scientist at University of Florida before joining NCTR in 2004. Currently he is a staff fellow in the Division of Systems Biology at NCTR.

Research Interests

Over the years, Dr. Han’s research has focused primarily on drug-related hepatotoxicity and cardiotoxicity. One of his research interests is to identify early biomarkers by using omics technologies. He has published 28 research papers (author and co-author) related to mechanisms of hepatoxicity and cardiotoxicity. In a recently approved NCTR protocol, “Systems biology approach to identify early biomarkers of sunitinib‐induced cardiac toxicity in a mouse model,” he is going use omics technologies to study the mechanism of cardiotoxicity induced by sunitinib (a tyrosine kinase inhibitor) in a mouse model.

Professional Societies/National and International Groups

American Society for Microbiology
2000 – Present


Select Publications

Status of Hepatic DNA Methylome Predetermines and Modulates the Severity of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Injury in Mice.
Tryndyak V.P., Han T., Fuscoe J.C., Ross S.A., Beland F.A., and Pogribny I.P.
BMC Genomics. 2016, 17:298.

Early Transcriptional Changes in Cardiac Mitochondria During Chronic Doxorubicin Exposure and Mitigation by Dexrazoxane in Mice.
Vijay V., Moland C.L., Han T., Fuscoe J.C., Lee T., Herman E.H., Jenkins G.R., Lewis S.M., Cummings C.A., Gao Y., Cao Z., Yu L.R., and Desai V.G.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2016, 295:68-84.

Persistence of Furan-Induced Epigenetic Aberrations in the Livers of F344 Rats.
de Conti A., Kobets T., Tryndyak V., Burnett S.D., Han T., Fuscoe J.C., Beland F.A., Doerge D.R., and Pogribny I.P.
Toxicol Sci. 2015, 144(2):217-26.

Sexual Dimorphism in the Expression of Mitochondria-Related Genes in Rat Heart at Different Ages.
Vijay V., Han T., Moland C.L., Kwekel J.C., Fuscoe J.C., and Desai V.G.
PLoS One. 2015, 10(1):e0117047.

Early Biomarkers of Doxorubicin-Induced Heart Injury in a Mouse Model.
Desai V.G., Kwekel J.C. , Vijay V., Moland C.L., Herman E.H., Lee T., Han T., Lewis S.M., Davis K.J., Muskhelishvili L., Kerr S., and Fuscoe J.C.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2014, 281(2):221-9.

MicroRNA-155 Deficient Mice Experience Heightened Kidney Toxicity when Dosed with Cisplatin.
Pellegrini K.L., Han T., Bijol V., Saikumar J., Craciun F.L., Chen W.W., Fuscoe J.C., and Vaidya V.S.
Toxicol Sci. 2014, 141(2):484-92.

Transcriptomic Responses Provide a New Mechanistic Basis for the Chemopreventive Effects of Folic Acid and Tributyrin in Rat Liver Carcinogenesis.
Guariento A.H., Furtado K.S., de Conti A., Campos A., Purgatto E., Carrilho J., Shinohara E.M., Tryndyak V., Han T., Fuscoe J.C., Ross S.A., Beland F.A., Pogribny I.P., and Moreno F.S.
Int J Cancer. 2014, 135(1):7-18.

Differential Gene Expression in Human Hepatocyte Cell Lines Exposed to the Antiretroviral Agent Zidovudine.
Fang J.L., Han T., Wu Q., Beland F.A., Chang C.W., Guo L., and Fuscoe J.C.
Arch Toxicol. 2014, 88(3):609-23.

Characterization of Whole Genome Amplified (WGA) DNA for Use in Genotyping Assay Development.
Han T., Chang C.W., Kwekel J.C., Chen Y., Ge Y., Martinez-Murillo F., Roscoe D., Tezak Z., Philip R., Bijwaard K., and Fuscoe J.C..
BMC Genomics. 2012, 13:217.

Technical Reproducibility of Genotyping SNP Arrays Used in Genome-Wide Association Studies.
Hong H., Xu L., Liu J., Jones W.D., Su Z., Ning B., Perkins R., Ge W., Miclaus K., Zhang L., Park K., Green B., Han T., Fang H., Lambert C.G., Vega S.C., Lin S.M., Jafari N., Czika W., Wolfinger R.D., Goodsaid F., Tong W., and Shi L.
PLoS One. 2012, 7(9):e44483.

Interstrain Differences in the Severity of Liver Injury Induced by a Choline- and Folate-Deficient Diet in Mice are Associated with Dysregulation of Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism.
Tryndyak V., de Conti A., Kobets T., Kutanzi K., Koturbash I., Han T., Fuscoe J.C., Latendresse J.R., Melnyk S., Shymonyak S., Collins L., Ross S.A., Rusyn I., Beland F.A., and Pogribny I.P.
FASEB J. 2012, 26(11):4592-602.

The Liver Toxicity Biomarker Study Phase I: Markers for the Effects of Tolcapone or Entacapone.
McBurney R.N., Hines W.M., VonTungeln L.S., Schnackenberg L.K., Beger R.D., Moland C.L., Han T., Fuscoe J.C., Chang C.W., Chen J.J., Su Z., Fan X.H., Tong W., Booth S.A., Balasubramanian R., Courchesne P.L., Campbell J.M., Graber A., Guo Y., Juhasz P., Li T.Y., Lynch M.D., Morel N.M., Plasterer T.N., Takach E.J., Zeng C., and Beland F.A.
Toxicol Pathol. 2012, 40(6):951-64.

Identification and Categorization of Liver Toxicity Markers Induced by a Related Pair of Drugs.
Chang C.W., Beland F.A., Hines W.M., Fuscoe J.C., Han T., and Chen J.J.
Int J Mol Sci. 2011, 12(7):4609-24.

Coupling Global Methylation and Gene Expression Profiles Reveal Key Pathophysiological Events in Liver Injury Induced by a Methyl-Deficient Diet.
Tryndyak V.P., Han T., Muskhelishvili L., Fuscoe J.C., Ross S.A., Beland F.A., and Pogribny I.P.
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2011, 55(3):411-8.

Difference in Expression of Hepatic MicroRNAs miR-29c, miR-34a, miR-155, and miR-200b is Associated with Strain-Specific Susceptibility to Dietary Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice.
Pogribny I.P., Starlard-Davenport A., Tryndyak V.P., Han T., Ross S.A., Rusyn I., and Beland F.A.
Lab Invest. 2010, 90(10):1437-46.

Delineating Liver Events in Trichloroethylene-Induced Autoimmune Hepatitis.
Gilbert K.M., Przybyla B., Pumford N.R., Han T., Fuscoe J., Schnackenberg L.K., Holland R.D., Doss J.C., Macmillan-Crow L.A., and Blossom S.J.
Chem Res Toxicol. 2009, 22(4):626-32.

The Liver Toxicity Biomarker Study: Phase I Design and Preliminary Results.
McBurney R.N., Hines W.M., Von Tungeln L.S., Schnackenberg L.K., Beger R.D., Moland C.L., Han T., Fuscoe J.C., Chang C.W., Chen J.J., Su Z., Fan X.H., Tong W., Booth S.A., Balasubramanian R., Courchesne P.L., Campbell J.M., Graber A., Guo Y., Juhasz P.J., Li T.Y., Lynch M.D., Morel N.M., Plasterer T.N., Takach E.J., Zeng C., and Beland F.A.
Toxicol Pathol. 2009, 37(1):52-64.

Epigenetic Alterations in the Brains of Fisher 344 Rats Induced by Long-Term Administration of Folate/Methyl-Deficient Diet.
Pogribny I.P., Karpf A.R., James S.R., Melnyk S., Han T., and Tryndyak V.P.
Brain Res. 2008 Oct, 1237:25-34.

Gene Expression Profiling Reveals Underlying Molecular Mechanisms of the Early Stages of Tamoxifen-Induced Rat Hepatocarcinogenesis.
Pogribny I.P., Bagnyukova T.V., Tryndyak V.P., Muskhelishvili L., Rodriguez-Juarez R., Kovalchuk O., Han T., Fuscoe J.C., Ross S.A., and Beland F.A.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2007, 225(1):61-9.


Lab Member

Carrie L. Moland
(870) 543-7391


Contact Information
Tao Han
(870) 543-7391
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