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DG Gel Card 125445, 125449, 125450 - 125457

STN#:  125445, 125449, 125450, 125451, 125452, 125453, 125454, 125455, 125456, 125457
Proper Name: Blood Grouping Reagent Combination Kit
Tradename: DG Gel Card
Manufacturer: Diagnostic Grifols, S. A.

  • DG Gel 8 AB (x4) card is for the determination of human A and B antigen on the surface of red blood cells in four separate blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 A/B/D card is for the determination of human A, B and D antigens on the surface of red blood cells in two separate blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh + Kell card is for the determination of ABO forward and reverse grouping, and D and Kell antigens on the surface of red blood cells in human blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 Rh Pheno card is for the determination of human C, E, c, and e antigens on the surface of red blood cells in two separate blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 T/S Mono card is for the determination of human A, B and D antigens on the surface of red blood cells, and for Indirect Antiglobulin Test in human blood samples. This assay does not contain antibodies to complement components. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 Anti-IgG (Rabbit) card is for the Direct and Indirect Antiglobulin Test of human blood samples. This test does not contain antibodies to complement components. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use. 
  • The DG Gel 8 Anti-D card is for the determination of D antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • Gel 8 Anti-C, Anti - E, Anti-c, Anti-e For the determination of human C, E, c, and/or e antigens on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 Anti-K card is for the determination of K antigen on the surface of red blood cells in eight human blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 Anti-AB card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh card is for the determination of ABO forward and reverse group and D antigen on the surface of red blood cells, and for ABO Compatibility Test in human blood samples. For use with Manual Method. Not for use with Erytra Eflexis, Erytra or WADiana Compact. For in vitro diagnostic use.
  • DG Gel 8 AB (x4) card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells of four separate blood samples. For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.

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