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2022 Winners of the America's Got Regulatory Science Talent Competition Present at FDA

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event was pre-recorded and online only

Since 2013, the University of Maryland CERSI, an FDA grant recipient, and the University of Rochester CTSI have held their annual America’s Got Regulatory Science Talent Competition to foster student interest in the pioneering field of regulatory science – the science of developing new tools, standards and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality and performance of FDA‐regulated products. Each competing student team presented a proposed solution to a current challenge in regulatory science, aligned with the FDA Center/Office Regulatory Science Research Priority Areas for CERSI Program and Focus Areas of Regulatory Science (FARS). The winning teams are listed below for both universities.

FDA's Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSIs) housed in Office of Regulatory Science and Innovation (ORSI) are cooperative agreement grants between FDA and academic institutions to advance regulatory science through innovative research, training, and scientific exchanges. This year for the first time, the Office of Data, Analytics, and Research (ODAR) joined ORSI to coordinate mentors for students who were encouraged to use data science techniques in their proposed solutions. The CERSI Steering Committee, which consists of representatives from the Centers & Offices that participate in the CERSI program, and CFSAN were also engaged in recommending judges and mentors. A panel of judges evaluated each student team presentation for the quality, novelty, potential significance and feasibility of the students’ proposed solutions. Thank you to the below FDA judges and mentors who volunteered to assist with the University of Maryland and University of Rochester Regulatory Science Competitions!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all the presentations were pre-recorded virtually – see below links to view the recordings and presenter slides. To learn more about the students on the winning teams and their proposed solutions to a regulatory science challenge, see the University of Maryland and University of Rochester “Talent Competition Abstracts and Bios” documents found in the below links. Send questions for the winning teams to their email address hyperlinks associated with winning team member names shown below.


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Introductory Remarks
– Dr. Tina Morrison, Director, FDA Office of Regulatory Science and Innovation

Welcome Remarks
– Ram Iyer, Director & FDA Chief Data Officer, Office of Data Analytics and Research, Office of Digital Transformation

Overview of Competitions and Introduction of University of Maryland Talent Competition
– Dr. William E. Bentley, University of Maryland
Recording and Slides

University of Rochester Talent Competition and Introduction
– Drs. Scott Steele and Joan Adamo, University of Rochester
Recording and Slides

For additional information of America’s Got Regulatory Science Talent competitions, see the University of Maryland and University of Rochester websites.

For questions:
Please contact Dr. Tracy Chen, ORSI, at Tracy.Chen@fda.hhs.gov

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