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2023 Winners of the America's Got Regulatory Science Talent Competition Present at FDA

Date: April 13, 2023

America's Got Regulatory Science Talent Competition: 2023 Winning Student Teams

The FDA is pleased to host a celebration for the winners of the 2023 America's Got Regulatory Science Talent Competition, which was jointly organized by the University of Maryland CERSI and the University of Rochester CTSI. The competition aimed to foster student interest in regulatory science, the science of developing new tools, standards and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality and performance of FDA‐regulated products.

The winning teams from both universities were invited to present their proposed solutions to current regulatory science challenges at the FDA, and we are thrilled to celebrate their accomplishments. This event provides an opportunity for the students to showcase their work to FDA regulators and experts, and to receive valuable feedback and guidance.

The FDA's Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSIs) which are cooperative agreement grants between the FDA and academic institutions, are housed in the Office of Regulatory Science and Innovation (ORSI). CERSIs aim to advance regulatory science through innovative research, training, and scientific exchanges. We are grateful for the support of the CERSI Steering Committee, consisting of representatives from the Centers & Offices that participate in the CERSI program in recommending judges and mentors for the competition.

We congratulate the winning teams from both universities and thank them for their innovative ideas and solutions in the field of regulatory science. We hope that this celebration inspires them to continue pursuing their interests in this important field, and to contribute to the FDA's mission of protecting and promoting public health.


Overview of Competitions and Introductions of University of Maryland Talent Competition
– Dr. William E. Bentley, University of Maryland

University of Rochester Talent Competition and Introduction
– Dr. Joan Adamo, University of Rochester

For additional information on the America’s Got Regulatory Science Talent competitions, see the University of Maryland and University of Rochester websites.

For questions:
Please contact Dr. Tracy Chen, ORSI, at Tracy.Chen@fda.hhs.gov

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