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  1. Health Equity Forum Podcast

Introducing the Health Equity Forum Podcast

In this episode, RADM Richardae Araojo, Associate Commissioner for Minority Health, introduces the new “Health Equity Forum” podcast hosted by the FDA Office of Minority Health & Health Equity.

Health Equity Forum: Episode 1 – Transcript

RADM Richardae Araojo: Hi. I'm Rear Admiral Richardae Araojo, the Associate Commissioner for Minority Health and Director of the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity. I want to welcome you to our new health equity forum podcast, hosted by the FDA Office of Minority Health and Health Equity.

In each episode, we will have experts come together and have meaningful conversations around health topics that impact the lives and wellbeing of diverse communities. Our guests will share their expertise, tips, and tools to help us live a healthier life. We will also discuss some of the most pressing health concerns like diabetes, heart disease, and clinical trial diversity, among other topics.

We are committed to our mission of reducing health disparities and protecting the health of diverse communities, and hope the information we share adds new knowledge and sparks conversations of your own. I encourage you to visit our website at www.fda.gov/healthequity.

To learn more about our office, sign up for our newsletter and find multi-lingual health education material and information on our research projects. Also, don't forget to follow us on Twitter @FDAHealthEquity. You can listen to the podcast for free on iTunes, Google Play, and on our website.

Remember, together we can create a world where health equity is a reality for all.

[end of transcript]

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