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Submit Comments on Tobacco Products

Submit comments on Tobacco Products

Make your voice heard and be part of our ongoing effort to improve public health in the United States.

We solicit information and comments, announced in the Federal Register and posted in dockets on Regulations.gov, from concerned citizens, industry, and organizations on a wide range of issues related to implementation of the Tobacco Control Act.

Submit Comments

Request for Nominations for Voting Members on a Public Advisory Committee; the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee
Docket No: FDA-2018-N-3263 
Submit Nominations By: November 8, 2021 
Summary: The Food and Drug Administration is requesting nominations for individuals to serve on the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee, in the Center for Tobacco Products.  FDA seeks to include the views of women and men, members of all racial and ethnic groups, and individuals with and without disabilities on its advisory committees and, therefore encourages nominations of appropriately qualified candidates from these groups.  A nominee may either be self-nominated or nominated by an organization.   

Modified Risk Tobacco Product Application: Application for IQOS 3 System Holder and Charger Submitted by Philip Morris Products S.A.
Docket No: FDA- 2021-N-0408-0001
Date: Currently no deadline for public comments
Summary: The FDA is announcing the availability for public comment of a modified risk tobacco product (MRTP) application for the IQOS 3 System Holder and Charger submitted by Philip Morris Products S.A. FDA will post the application materials on a rolling basis as they are redacted in accordance with applicable laws.

What makes an effective and useful comment?

Our decisions are based on science and law. We look for logic, good science, and other evidence in the comments we evaluate.

  • Provide a clear statement of whether you support or oppose the proposed rule or guidance.
  • Include any of the following that support your position:
    • data
    • research
    • analysis
  • Read more tips for submitting effective comments on the regulations.gov website.

Your role in shaping tobacco regulation

Our regulatory process generally follows these steps:

  1. Rule/Regulation Proposed
    We publish a proposed rule in the Federal Register.
  2. Public Comments Considered
    Our proposals generally have a 60-90 day review period.
  3. Final Rule Issued
    After considering all comments, we issue a final rule.
  4. Compliance with New Rule Enforced
    We must ensure that retailers and businesses comply with the regulation.

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