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  1. Registration of Food Facilities and Other Submissions

CFSAN Online Submission Module (COSM)

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The CFSAN Online Submission Module (COSM) provides a real-time user interface to assist users in making submissions to Offices in the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). COSM is a web-based tool that walks users through a step-by-step process to assemble and send fully electronic submissions to the agency, thereby eliminating the need for printing and mailing of paper submissions. COSM is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

COSM is available for industry users who send the following submissions to the:

  • Office of Food Additive Safety (OFAS) (concerning food ingredients and packaging materials)
    • Biotechnology Final Consultation (BNF) (Form 3665)
    • Color Additive Petition (CAP) (Form 3503)
    • Color Master File (CMF) (Form 3503)
    • Food Additive Petition (FAP) (Form 3503)
    • Food Contact Notification (FCN) (Form 3480)
    • Food Master File (FMF) for Food Additives (Form 3503)
    • Food Master File (FMF) for a Food Contact Substance (Form 3480)
    • Generally Recognized as Safe Notice (GRN) (Form 3667)
    • New Protein Consultation (NPC) (Form 3666)
    • Pre-Notification Consultation (PNC) (Form 3480)
  • Office of Dietary Supplement Programs (ODSP) (concerning dietary supplements)

Information on how to register, use COSM, and send submissions is provided in the help guides below.

For questions regarding food ingredient and packaging material submissions, please contact the Office of Food Additive Safety by email at Premarkt@fda.hhs.gov or call 240-402-1200.

For questions specifically regarding new dietary ingredient notifications or structure function claims notifications, please contact the Office of Dietary Supplement Programs by email at ODSP@fda.hhs.gov. If you encounter difficulties while attempting to submit a notification, please contact Premarkt@fda.hhs.gov or call 240-402-1200.

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Related Information

The FDA encourages submitters to use the new CFSAN Online Submission Module (COSM) to develop, edit, and submit their submissions to the Office of Food Additive Safety. If you desire a copy of the forms listed above, you can find them at Forms.

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