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Microbiological Surveillance Sampling: FY 19-22 Frozen Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries and Blackberries)

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Frozen Berries Surveillance Sampling

Frozen berries are used as ingredients in many foods and, like other produce, can be an important part of a healthy eating pattern. While frozen berries are used in pies and other baked goods, they are also used raw in fruit salads or smoothies and have been associated with outbreaks of foodborne illness. The FDA reported three hepatitis A virus outbreaks and one norovirus outbreak linked to frozen berries in the United States from 1997 to 2016.

Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are delicate and may become contaminated with bacteria or viruses if handled by an infected worker who does not use appropriate hand hygiene, or if exposed to contaminated agricultural water or a contaminated surface, like a harvesting tote. In general, berries typically are not washed after harvest or prior to distribution because post-harvest exposure to water can accelerate spoilage and shorten the commercial shelf life of most berries. Freezing preserves berries but generally does not kill viruses, which can survive at low temperatures.

What’s New

The FDA will resume this assignment in August 2022 after a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The agency is taking all necessary precautions in light of the pandemic. The agency has equipped its staff with criteria and instructions for conducting sampling during the pandemic to help assure the safety of agency investigators and firm employees, providing the safest possible environment to accomplish regulatory activities.

The health, safety, and wellbeing of our investigators, as well as the public, are of the utmost importance to the FDA. We are ensuring our investigators are outfitted with personal protective equipment (PPE) and otherwise equipped to carry out their work while adhering to state and local guidance as well as applicable CDC guidance.

Questions and Answers

The agency paused this assignment in March 2020 in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and plans to resume it in August 2022. While underway, the FDA is collecting samples throughout the year, across all seasons.

Results as of 7/1/2022

The information that follows presents the laboratory results as of July 1, 2022, as interim figures subject to potential revision. As previously stated, the agency paused this assignment in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and will resume it in August 2022. The FDA may adjust the number of samples to be collected or the collection timeline based on factors that the agency may encounter during the assignment.

The FDA will publish a summary report of its results (to include final figures and breakdowns of its findings) once the assignment is complete. People who wish to see an example report on the FDA’s food product surveillance sampling can view any of the agency’s summary reports listed at the bottom of its microbiological surveillance sampling page.

In the event that samples are found to be positive for microbial hazards, the FDA will consider regulatory and enforcement options. Enforcement activities include actions to correct and prevent violations, and to remove violative food from the market.  The agency will detail any enforcement action it takes in its summary report.

The agency plans to collect and test 1,547 samples of frozen berries under this assignment. As of July 1, 2022, the agency had collected and tested 431 domestic samples and 689 import samples (1,120, or 72 percent, of the total). A single import sample was tested for hepatitis A virus but not norovirus. The following figures summarize the interim sampling results. As the testing is still underway, no conclusions can be drawn at this time.

Microbiological Surveillance Sampling: FY 19-20 Frozen Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries and Blackberries) - Domestic Results as of 7/1/2022
Microbiological Surveillance Sampling: FY 19-20 Frozen Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries and Blackberries) - Import Results as of 7/1/2022

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