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Request an Industry Account Manager (IAM) for CTP Portal

Note: CTP Portal is not used for tobacco registration and product listing submissions. Go to the Tobacco Registration and Listing Module Next Generation (TRLM NG) instructions website to learn how to submit tobacco registration and product listing information, including information on how to create a TRLM NG account..

To use the CTP Portal for regulatory submissions, you will need to submit a request that designates an individual to be the primary Industry Account Manager (IAM). Designating an IAM for your organization is the only way to create and access a CTP Portal account for your organization. 

Once the CTP Portal account and IAM user account are created, the IAM will manage all of the CTP Portal user accounts for your organization. The IAM can:

  • Create user accounts
  • Manage user accounts
  • Deactivate user accounts
  • Reset user accounts
  • Unlock user accounts

To protect the confidentiality of the information within your CTP Portal account, carefully consider the above responsibilities when selecting an IAM for your organization. The selected IAM will manage the CTP Portal user accounts for your organization, including user accounts for non-employee attorneys or agents.

For more information about the CTP Portal and the IAM, please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

How to Request an Industry Account Manager (IAM) for your organization

Accounts in CTP Portal will only exist for tobacco manufacturers as defined under sections 900(7) and 900(20) of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (Public Law 111–31), not for companies that may represent them. Only an authorized representative that is an employee of the organization can request an IAM account and designate an IAM for the organization.

The IAM must be an employee of the organization requesting a CTP Portal account. FDA does not accept IAM requests designating non-employee attorneys or agents to be the IAM. If an organization would like a non-employee attorney or agent to be an IAM, they should first designate an employee of the organization to be the IAM in the IAM Request Form submitted to FDA. That individual will then be able to create a secondary (additional) IAM account for the non-employee attorney or agent. Instructions on creating a secondary IAM account can be found in the FAQs.

As an authorized representative, to designate a primary (initial) IAM for your organization:

  1. Visit the IAM Request Form and Rules of Behavior (ROB) homepage.
  2. On that page, select the appropriate button to access the IAM Request Form and ROB.
  3. Ensure the forms are fully completed and appropriately signed.
  4. Submit the signed forms to CTP.

We are unable to accept IAM request submissions by e-mail.

FDA will notify the designated IAM via the email address provided on the IAM Request Form once the CTP Portal account is created. The email will include a link and instructions for the IAM to complete account set-up. 

The IAM is responsible for monitoring the email address provided on the IAM Request Form. The link to complete account set-up in the email is only valid for 24 hours. 

If the IAM fails to complete account set-up within the 24-hour window, a new link will need to be requested by sending an email to the CTP Help Desk requesting an account reset.

Note: Please do not submit another IAM Request Form if you did not complete the account set-up within the 24-hour window. This will further delay accessing your account.

If you have trouble accessing your account, please contact the CTP Help Desk.

For other questions about requesting an IAM account, please contact the IAM Request Team

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