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Out for a Ride

Posted on by Dr. Francis Collins

I had a great time meeting up on my Harley with more than a dozen motorcycle riders as part of a recent charity event that raised more than $5,000 for the Federal Employees Education and Assistance Fund and Friends of Patients at the NIH. The fundraising drive, held on June 26, started in Fairfax, VA, rolled into Montgomery County, MD, and made its way to Washington, D.C.’s Rock Creek Park for lunch and ceremonies. The photo to the left shows the group out for a ride. In the photo to the right, I’m saying hello to Narisu Narisu (l), a bioinformatics scientist with NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), and Darryl Leja (r), NHGRI’s visual information specialist. Credit: NIH


  • Manny says:

    I remember the 2004 CFC fundraiser at Parklawn HHS building. You rode your Honda and Jim Vance rode his Harley. What great examples you set.

  • David R. Anderson, M.C.I.B.S.(Edin.)retired Bank of Scotland and former Treasurer BMW Motorcycle Club Scottish Section 1983-1988 says:

    That was great Dr Collins had a good time on his Harley, and in such a good cause.
    In the 1980’s I made a few ”Easter Egg Runs” to assist the East Park Children’s Home and Educational Facility for children with various disabilities in Maryhill, Glasgow, Scotland. I did very little because I then became involved with the BMW Motorcycle Club and started touring all over Europe, both West and East, for about thirty years. Great times, until an ischaemic stroke affected my driving and riding ability as defined by the British DVLA. I now live in hope that a ”fix” for Homonymous Hemianopia can allow me to drive again, the last time being 2017. I love reading several newsletters every week and have done so for 3 years. Anything connected with brain anatomy and physiology in the newsletters makes life worth living every day I open my email.

  • DR. SAUMYA PANDEY, PH.D. says:

    Congratulations to the fund-raisers with a thoughtful novel gesture of “riding high on scientific successes with sincere efforts: with this spectacular “motorcycle-riding” in a recent Montgomery Charity event for propelling the American dollars towards meaningful scientific research outcomes.

    Dr. Collins certainly deserves an applause with his diligent team for this gesture!

    Wishing my American experts at NIH USA Offices/Divisions A Happy and Peaceful Independence Day 2020!!!

  • Omar says:

    I love to read any tips that I can get my hands on, to improve my motorcycle riding experience. Thanks for sharing these nuggets with us. Please do more and more of these.

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