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Groundbreaking Study Maps Key Brain Circuit

Posted on by Dr. Francis Collins

Biologists have long wondered how neurons from different regions of the brain actually interconnect into integrated neural networks, or circuits. A classic example is a complex master circuit projecting across several regions of the vertebrate brain called the basal ganglia. It’s involved in many fundamental brain processes, such as controlling movement, thought, and emotion.

In a paper published recently in the journal Nature, an NIH-supported team working in mice has created a wiring diagram, or connectivity map, of a key component of this master circuit that controls voluntary movement. This groundbreaking map will guide the way for future studies of the basal ganglia’s direct connections with the thalamus, which is a hub for information going to and from the spinal cord, as well as its links to the motor cortex in the front of the brain, which controls voluntary movements.

This 3D animation drawn from the paper’s findings captures the biological beauty of these intricate connections. It starts out zooming around four of the six horizontal layers of the motor cortex. At about 6 seconds in, the video focuses on nerve cell projections from the thalamus (blue) connecting to cortex nerve cells that provide input to the basal ganglia (green). It also shows connections to the cortex nerve cells that input to the thalamus (red).

At about 25 seconds, the video scans back to provide a quick close-up of the cell bodies (green and red bulges). It then zooms out to show the broader distribution of nerve cells within the cortex layers and the branched fringes of corticothalamic nerve cells (red) at the top edge of the cortex.

The video comes from scientific animator Jim Stanis, University of Southern California Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Los Angeles. He collaborated with Nick Foster, lead author on the Nature paper and a research scientist in the NIH-supported lab of Hong-Wei Dong at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The two worked together to bring to life hundreds of microscopic images of this circuit, known by the unusually long, hyphenated name: the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic loop. It consists of a series of subcircuits that feed into a larger signaling loop.

The subcircuits in the loop make it possible to connect thinking with movement, helping the brain learn useful sequences of motor activity. The looped subcircuits also allow the brain to perform very complex tasks such as achieving goals (completing a marathon) and adapting to changing circumstances (running uphill or downhill).

Although scientists had long assumed the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic loop existed and formed a tight, closed loop, they had no real proof. This new research, funded through NIH’s Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative, provides that proof showing anatomically that the nerve cells physically connect, as highlighted in this video. The research also provides electrical proof through tests that show stimulating individual segments activate the others.

Detailed maps of neural circuits are in high demand. That’s what makes results like these so exciting to see. Researchers can now better navigate this key circuit not only in mice but other vertebrates, including humans. Indeed, the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic loop may be involved in a number of neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions, including Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and addiction. In the meantime, Stanis, Foster, and colleagues have left us with a very cool video to watch.


[1] The mouse cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic network. Foster NN, Barry J, Korobkova L, Garcia L, Gao L, Becerra M, Sherafat Y, Peng B, Li X, Choi JH, Gou L, Zingg B, Azam S, Lo D, Khanjani N, Zhang B, Stanis J, Bowman I, Cotter K, Cao C, Yamashita S, Tugangui A, Li A, Jiang T, Jia X, Feng Z, Aquino S, Mun HS, Zhu M, Santarelli A, Benavidez NL, Song M, Dan G, Fayzullina M, Ustrell S, Boesen T, Johnson DL, Xu H, Bienkowski MS, Yang XW, Gong H, Levine MS, Wickersham I, Luo Q, Hahn JD, Lim BK, Zhang LI, Cepeda C, Hintiryan H, Dong HW. Nature. 2021;598(7879):188-194.


Brain Basics: Know Your Brain (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH)

Dong Lab (University of California, Los Angeles)

Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)

The Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative (NIH)

NIH Support: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders; National Institute of Mental Health


  • Mike says:

    A mouse is not a human. For example they have highly developed olfactory neurons. However doing some of these experiment in humans is not ethical. So extrapolation should be taken with a grain of salt. Difference between preclinical results and that from PhIV post-marketing follow-up.

  • Zuccheri Gianni says:

    Moving moments of the many people who highlighted the great work you have done.
    Maybe I wrote things in your blog that are not scientifically valid:
    I also sincerely thank you for giving me the opportunity to express feelings of my life as a doctor.

    Sometimes it happens to see small calcifications in the basal ganglia of the brain, highlighted in neuroimaging tests, performed for various reasons.
    Without thinking of the overt Fahr syndrome, in which there are marked calcium deposits at this level, accompanied by more or less disabling symptoms (a patient of mine, 60 years old, is fully asymptomatic), I ask:
    Are these microcalcifications worrying forewarns of neurodegenerative disease?
    If related to inflammatory blood indices, whose constant monitoring could give indications to erroneous metabolic products derived from food intake harmful to the individual but not to other people
    Everything is linked to one’s own genetic heritage, with the epigenetic expression of our enzymes.
    Someone is unable to process lactose, others are seriously damaged by gluten, others by legume substances such as in favism (glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency)
    But we do not always highlight the constant inflammatory causes in the individual, which lead in the distance to calcific sclerosis of the tissues.
    In addition to a diet with a low composition of inflammatory foods, acetylsalicylic acid in low and constant dosages would be a concrete way out of this neurodegenerative process?
    There will easily be some response also in the health of the mitochondria and in the energy that derives from it also for the enzymatic systems of ionic transport of the cells. And Aquaporin?
    In these extraordinary images, the premises for upcoming therapeutic discoveries.

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