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Thank You, Dr. Fauci

Posted on by Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D.

Larry Tabak standing with Tony Fauci in a room.
It was an honor to take part last week in a special NIH program to bid Dr. Anthony Fauci farewell and wish him the very best as he prepares to step down this month as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). During this two-hour program, Tony reflected on his 54-year career of public service, advising seven U.S. presidents, and following the science through several major infectious disease outbreaks, from HIV to Ebola to COVID-19. In my brief introductory remarks, I stated that Tony has been a constant source of knowledge and inspiration for me and other NIH leaders. No send-off could adequately express our gratitude. This photo shows me offering my congratulations immediately after Tony finished addressing those in attendance. The live program was held on December 16 in NIH’s Wilson Hall and was also available for NIH staff to attend in real-time via videocast. Credit: NIH


  • Dave Law says:

    Dr. Fauci did an incredible job and leaves a stellar legacy.

    • David White says:

      Yes. Thank you so much Dr. Fauci. My family and I are truly grateful for all that you have done. Thank you so much.

    • L Fisher says:

      Dr. Fauci, thank you for keeping us safe and for your tireless service in public health. You have done an amazing job in very contentious circumstances. Enjoy yourself and your family.

  • Philip J Klemmer MD says:

    Dr Fauci, your work helped me with my work on small vessel vasculitis at UNC in 1975. Thanks! Beyond that, you served as a positive role model for too many to name. . . God bless you.

  • R.V. says:

    Yes, a big thanks to Dr Fauci and his team of scientists! Over the years, research into HIV, Ebola, and Covid have saved countless lives, including mine.

  • George Pospisil says:

    So sad.

  • Daniel O’Connell D.D.S says:

    An incredible human being.

  • Mohandas Mallath says:

    Big thanks Tony. Was first introduced to you through Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. First it was HIV and now COVID. May the almighty provide you with many more years of life and productivity.

  • Jim Weldon says:

    God bless you Dr. Fauci for all you have done. Most of us know and appreciate all your efforts, which have saved millions of lives. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you and now it’s time for you to relax and enjoy life. Happy New Year to you and your family. Much love and appreciation.

  • JRachwal says:

    Thank you Dr. Fauci for a job well done.

  • Wanda T. says:

    Thank you so much for your service. I am sorry you and your family had to go through all they went through because . . . of some people. You are a true hero for helping to save as many people as you did. You are a true professional and such a wonderful person. Thank you so much.

  • Paul Matula says:

    Thanks Dr Fauci. You have done the country proud. Happy New Year

  • Jeremy says:

    . . . Science is very much an international community, but understanding limitations of lack of infrastructure

  • Ed Moran says:

    Thank you.

  • PEGGY BEAVIN says:

    Thank you Dr. Fauci for all you have done for our country and the world during your time at NIH and especially for the past 4 years. I’m sorry you had to go through all the you and your family experienced by some people. God Bless you in your well deserved retirement. Enjoy.

  • Jean Nutile says:

    I am watching the PBS special on Dr. Fauci on American Masters and would like to thank him for his service. In this anti-science, conspiracy-driven environment he has graciously presented scientific truth because he cares about facts and he cares about people. My parents were both scientists and my father a son of Italian immigrants. Thank you, Dr. Fauci!

  • Mary Patton says:

    The best human on the planet. To honor him we must continue to stand up for truth and science regardless of our political affiliation.


    Thank you, Dr. Fauci. And from my wife and daughters, to you and yours. We are grateful for your dedicated service.

  • David says:

    Dr. Thank you for you dedication to the United States and the world. You are one of the good people. I sincerely that you for giving me advice and helping me survive covid. GOD BLESS you and your family. You have made the entire world a better and safer place. You have shown immense and indescribable courage for the betterment of my life God bless you for it thank you.

  • Daniel Miers says:

    Thank you for being a sound voice for health and science Dr. Fauci! We appreciate your work and the sacrifices you’ve made as a public servant!

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