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Words Matter, Actions Have Impact: Updating the NIH Mission Statement

Posted on by Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D.

Cartoon of scientists working with DNA, microscopes and data, leading to two doctors talking with a patient who is in a wheelchair.
Credit: Donny Bliss, NIH

I’ve previously written and spoken about how diverse perspectives are essential to innovation and scientific advancement.1 Scientists and experts with different backgrounds and lived experiences can offer diverse and creative solutions to solve complex problems. We’re taking steps to create a culture within the biomedical and behavioral research enterprise of inclusion, equity, and respect for every member of society. We are also working to strengthen our efforts to include populations in research that have not been historically included or equitably treated.

As part of our effort to ensure that all people are included in NIH research, we’re updating our mission statement to reflect better the spirit of the agency’s work to optimize health for all people. The proposed, new statement is as follows:

“To seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and to apply that knowledge to optimize health and prevent or reduce illness for all people.”

Recently, we asked a team of subject matter experts to form a subgroup of the Advisory Committee to the Director’s Working Group on Diversity to advise NIH on how we can support the inclusion of people with disabilities in the scientific workforce and in the research enterprise. One of the subgroup’s recommendations was to update the current NIH mission statement to remove “reducing disability.” The subgroup explained that this language could be interpreted as perpetuating ableist beliefs that people with disabilities are flawed and need to be “fixed.”

Disability is often viewed solely as a medical problem requiring a cure or correction. However, this view can be stigmatizing as it focuses only on a perceived flaw in the individual. It does not account for how people identify and view themselves. It also does not account for the ways that society can be unaccommodating for people with disabilities.2,3 It’s important that we recognize the varied, nuanced and complex lived experiences among people with disabilities, many of whom may also face additional barriers as members of racial, ethnic, sexual and gender minority groups, people with lower incomes, and people who live in rural communities that are medically underserved.

Some of you may recall that we updated our mission statement in 2013 to remove phrasing that implied disability was a burden, since many people do not find their disabilities to be burdensome. As we re-examine our mission statement again in 2023, I’m reminded that strengthening diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) is an ongoing process requiring our sustained engagement.

The input we’ve received has made it clear that words matter—language can perpetuate prejudices and implicit attitudes, which in turn can affect people’s behavior. We also acknowledge that it is time for the agency to review and consider how the words of our mission statement may affect the direction of our science.

In response, we are seeking the public’s input on the proposed, revised statement to ensure that it reflects the NIH mission as accurately as possible. The NIH mission should be inclusive of those who conduct research, those who participate in research, and those we serve—the American public. Anyone interested in providing feedback can send it to this submission website through Nov. 24, 2023.

We are grateful for the subgroup’s work and appreciate their time examining this issue in depth. I also want to recognize the helpful feedback that we’ve received from the disability community within NIH through the years, including recent listening sessions that helped guide the development of NIH’s DEIA Strategic Plan.

Going beyond the scientific workforce, both the Strategic Plan and the subgroup’s report recognize the importance of research on health disparities. People with disabilities often experience health conditions leading to poorer health and face discrimination, inequality and structural barriers that inhibit access to health care, resulting in poorer health outcomes. NIH recently designated people with disabilities as a population with health disparities to encourage research specific to the health issues and unmet health needs of the disability community. NIH also issued a funding opportunity calling for research applications that address the intersecting impact of disability, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on healthcare access and health outcomes.

The subgroup provided additional recommendations that we’re in the process of reviewing. We know one of our key challenges is data gathering that would give us a better snapshot of the workforce and the research we support. According to the CDC, 1 in 4 adults in the United States have a disability. However, in 2022 only 1.3% of principal investigators on NIH research grant applications and awards self-reported a disability. In 2022, 8.6% of the NIH workforce reported having a disability; however, I recognize that this is likely not reflective of the true percentage. We know that some people do not want to self-disclose for numerous reasons, including the fear of discrimination.

We hope that, in part, changing the mission statement would be a step in the right direction of changing the culture at NIH and the larger biomedical and behavioral research enterprise. I know that our efforts have sometimes fallen short, but we will continually work to foster a culture of inclusive excellence where people with disabilities and all people feel like they truly belong and are embraced as an asset to the NIH mission.


[1] MA Bernard et al. The US National Institutes of Health approach to inclusive excellence. Nature Medicine DOI:10.1038/s41591-021-01532-1 (2021)

[2] DS Dunn & EE Andrews. Person-first and identity-first language: Developing psychologists’ cultural competence using disability language The American Psychologist DOI: 10.1037/a0038636 (2015)

[3] International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (2002) Towards a Common Language for Functioning, Disability and Health. World Health Organization


ACD Working Group on Diversity, Subgroup on Individuals with Disabilities, NIH

Advisory Committee to the Director Working Group on Diversity Subgroup on Individuals with Disabilities: Report, NIH

Request for Information: Inviting Comments and Suggestions on Updating the NIH Mission Statement, NIH

NIH designates people with disabilities as a population with health disparities, Sept. 26, 2023, NIH News Releases

NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA), NIH

Disability and Health Overview, CDC

Data on Researchers’ Self-Reported Disability Status, NIH Office Of Extramural Research

Total NIH Workforce Demographics for Fiscal Year 2022 Fourth Quarter, NIH Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

From Brain Waves to Real-Time Text Messaging

Posted on by Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D.

For people who have lost the ability to speak due to a severe disability, they want to get the words out. They just can’t physically do it. But in our digital age, there is now a fascinating way to overcome such profound physical limitations. Computers are being taught to decode brain waves as a person tries to speak and then interactively translate them onto a computer screen in real time.

The latest progress, demonstrated in the video above, establishes that it’s quite possible for computers trained with the help of current artificial intelligence (AI) methods to restore a vocabulary of more than a 1,000 words for people with the mental but not physical ability to speak. That covers more than 85 percent of most day-to-day communication in English. With further refinements, the researchers say a 9,000-word vocabulary is well within reach.

The findings published in the journal Nature Communications come from a team led by Edward Chang, University of California, San Francisco [1]. Earlier, Chang and colleagues established that this AI-enabled system could directly decode 50 full words in real time from brain waves alone in a person with paralysis trying to speak [2]. The study is known as BRAVO, short for Brain-computer interface Restoration Of Arm and Voice.

In the latest BRAVO study, the team wanted to figure out how to condense the English language into compact units for easier decoding and expand that 50-word vocabulary. They did it in the same way we all do: by focusing not on complete words, but on the 26-letter alphabet.

The study involved a 36-year-old male with severe limb and vocal paralysis. The team designed a sentence-spelling pipeline for this individual, which enabled him to silently spell out messages using code words corresponding to each of the 26 letters in his head. As he did so, a high-density array of electrodes implanted over the brain’s sensorimotor cortex, part of the cerebral cortex, recorded his brain waves.

A sophisticated system including signal processing, speech detection, word classification, and language modeling then translated those thoughts into coherent words and complete sentences on a computer screen. This so-called speech neuroprosthesis system allows those who have lost their speech to perform roughly the equivalent of text messaging.

Chang’s team put their spelling system to the test first by asking the participant to silently reproduce a sentence displayed on a screen. They then moved on to conversations, in which the participant was asked a question and could answer freely. For instance, as in the video above, when the computer asked, “How are you today?” he responded, “I am very good.” When asked about his favorite time of year, he answered, “summertime.” An attempted hand movement signaled the computer when he was done speaking.

The computer didn’t get it exactly right every time. For instance, in the initial trials with the target sentence, “good morning,” the computer got it exactly right in one case and in another came up with “good for legs.” But, overall, their tests show that their AI device could decode with a high degree of accuracy silently spoken letters to produce sentences from a 1,152-word vocabulary at a speed of about 29 characters per minute.

On average, the spelling system got it wrong 6 percent of the time. That’s really good when you consider how common it is for errors to arise with dictation software or in any text message conversation.

Of course, much more work is needed to test this approach in many more people. They don’t yet know how individual differences or specific medical conditions might affect the outcomes. They suspect that this general approach will work for anyone so long as they remain mentally capable of thinking through and attempting to speak.

They also envision future improvements as part of their BRAVO study. For instance, it may be possible to develop a system capable of more rapid decoding of many commonly used words or phrases. Such a system could then reserve the slower spelling method for other, less common words.

But, as these results clearly demonstrate, this combination of artificial intelligence and silently controlled speech neuroprostheses to restore not just speech but meaningful communication and authentic connection between individuals who’ve lost the ability to speak and their loved ones holds fantastic potential. For that, I say BRAVO.


[1] Generalizable spelling using a speech neuroprosthesis in an individual with severe limb and vocal paralysis. Metzger SL, Liu JR, Moses DA, Dougherty ME, Seaton MP, Littlejohn KT, Chartier J, Anumanchipalli GK, Tu-CHan A, Gangly K, Chang, EF. Nature Communications (2022) 13: 6510.

[2] Neuroprosthesis for decoding speech in a paralyzed person with anarthria. Moses DA, Metzger SL, Liu JR, Tu-Chan A, Ganguly K, Chang EF, et al. N Engl J Med. 2021 Jul 15;385(3):217-227.


Voice, Speech, and Language (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders/NIH)

ECoG BMI for Motor and Speech Control (BRAVO) (

Chang Lab (University of California, San Francisco)

NIH Support: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders