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Meeting with the Edge of Rock Band U2

Posted on by Moderator

The Edge from U2 and Francis Collins

David Howell Evans (left), better known as the Edge and lead guitar player in the rock band U2, is a strong supporter of cancer research. The band was in town on June 18, 2018 for a concert in Washington’s Capital One Arena, and the Edge once again invited some courageous young cancer patients receiving treatment at NIH and their parents to come out and enjoy the show. Here, I get to thank the Edge for his generosity and for giving these kids such a special thrill.
Credit: Diane Baker

NIH Family Members Giving Back: Diane Baker

Posted on by Dr. Francis Collins

In the kitchen of The Children's Inn

Caption: My wife Diane inspired me and my staff to volunteer to make dinner for patients and their families at The Children’s Inn at NIH.
Credit: NIH Record

My blog usually celebrates biomedical advances made possible by NIH-supported research. But every August, I like to try something different and highlight an aspect of the scientific world that might not make headlines. This year, I’d like to take a moment to pay tribute to just a few of the many NIH family members around the country who, without pay or fanfare, freely give of themselves to make a difference in their communities.

I’d like to start by recognizing my wife Diane Baker, a genetic counselor who has always found time during her busy career to volunteer. When I was first being considered as NIH director, we had lots of kitchen table discussions about what it might mean for us as a couple. We decided to approach the position as a partnership. Diane immediately embraced the NIH community and, true to her giving spirit, now contributes to some wonderful charities that lend a welcome hand to patients and their loved ones who come to the NIH Clinical Center here in Bethesda, MD.