Information on a person who participates or is expected to participate in the care of a patient.

Data Element

Care Team Member(s)


Structure for capture of care team member name

I support the use of AHIMA Patient Naming Policy for the capture of individual persons in USCDI to standardize the process regardless of what context a name is captured.  

I support the use of Project US@ for the capture of all address capture to standardize the process regardless of what context the address is captured.  

Standard capturing of these two fundamental elements will support innovation across platforms.  

NCPDP Comment

NCPDP supports the use of provider NPI.

Clarification requested-Consider clinical staff safety

I also echo the comment(s) above:  Does this data element require the specification of first, last, and/or middle names/initials for every individual identified as a member of a patient's care team?  There is concern from nursing staff regarding the nurse's name (first and last) being visible to the patient.   Nurses tend to spend a significant amount of time with patients compared to providers and establish different relationships with their patients, which may put them at a safety risk. Staff have voiced valid concerns for safety.

Clarification requested / For your consideration ...

I echo the comment(s) above:  Does this data element require the specification of first, last, and/or middle names/initials for every individual identified as a member of a patient's care team? 

There is concern from nursing staff regarding the nurse's name (first and last) being visible to the patient.  Currently only first name is displayed on their name badges as a safety measure.  Nurses tend to spend a significant amount of time with patients compared to providers and establish different relationships with their patients, which may put them at a safety risk.

Clarification needed

Due to the confusion that results from the data elements included within the care team member data class, we ask ONC to confirm that care team member is applicable to the individual, and not the organization. We also suggest that ONC significantly clarify this data element. For instance, questions arise that include:

  • Would care team member include a physical therapist assistant working under the supervision of a physical therapist?
  • Would care team member include support personnel working under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist?
  • If an interdisciplinary therapy team is involved in the patient’s care, would each clinician and support personnel be identified?
  • Would care team members include non-licensed personnel or caregivers? If so, how would ONC expect them to be identified?

Clarification re specificity of Care Team Members' names

  • Does this data element require the specification of first, last, and/or middle names/initials for every individual identified as a member of a patient's care team? 
  • Does this apply only to clinicians providing direct care to the patient? 
  • Does it include administrative staff such as schedulers, coders, billers, utilization management staff, patient/customer service representatives, etc.?

Concerns have been raised by hospital nurses, in particular, who have historically to protect their personal safety and privacy by not having their last names displayed on name badges.  Similar concerns have been registered by those involved in making administrative decisions, e.g., regarding care or payment provided. 

What is required for Care Teams in an outpatient setting?

Hello, can you provide information regarding this data? Do all providers MDs RNs MAs need to be displayed that have taken care of a patient in the Ambulatory setting? If so are first and last names needed or just their roles? Thank you for your time or if you can point me to where it is stated. The only thing I can find is that there is N/A standard.

USCDI requires that a system…

USCDI requires that a system be able to communicate members of a care team.  It does not specify the type of member who should be part of the care team, the purpose/context(s) of the care team, the completeness of the members of the care team, the effective period of the care team, or other specifics.  The use of care teams is likely defined by local practice.

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