Physical place of available services or resources.

Data Element

Facility Address


CMS-CCSQ Support for Facility Address for USCDI v5

CMS-CCSQ recommends this Level 2 data element be added to USCDI v5. Together with the Facility Identifier, Facility Type, and Facility Name, the Facility Address data element will supplement the core set of information necessary to identify facilities and link service and outcome data to a specific physical institution or facility. This was previously identified as a joint CMS-CDC priority. Currently, in the absence of a unique Organization/Hospital Identifier in the USCDI, it can be difficult to differentiate specific service locations and link data or records for public health and healthcare purposes. Location information is routinely captured in EHR systems. Since Facility Names and Facility Identifiers (e.g., CCNs) can be shared by separately located facilities, Facility Address can provide critical identifying information to differentiate specific locations and accurately link data to optimally track care quality and health outcomes.

CDC's Consolidated Comment for USCDI v5

  • The facility address is required in both Laboratory Domain and public health. In the laboratory domain, the test ordering facility address needs to be included in the data as required by the CLIA Regulation §493.1241(c)(1). The address of the test-performing laboratory is also required as indicated by the CLIA regulation §493.1291(c)(2). Test ordering facility is also an “R” or a required field in public health profiles in both Laboratory Orders Interface (LOI) and Laboratory Results Interface (LRI). We recommend inclusion of this element USCDI V5
  • NAACCR comment: For cancer registry (and other public health) reporting, facility address is required to determine the jurisdiction with authority to collect and report the test and results.
  • CSTE Comment: CSTE agrees with CDC's recommendation for this data element. 
  • NACCHO Comment: Supports CDC's comment.

CMS-CCSQ/CDC Joint USCDIv4 Priority: Facility Address

Together with the Facility Identifier, Name and Type, the Facility Address data element will supplement the core set of information necessary to identify facilities and link service and outcome data to a specific physical institution or facility. Currently, in the absence of a unique Organization/Hospital Identifier in the USCDI it can be difficult to differentiate specific service locations and link data or records for public health and healthcare purposes, such as monitoring hospital capacity and respiratory disease burden in acute care hospitals, identifying and responding to outbreaks in facilities, and tracking patient safety events. Accurate facility information, including name, address, and identifier, is essential to analyze facility level data and inform the allocation of resources such as therapeutics, supplies, staffing, and PPE to prepare for and respond to emergency events.

Unified Comment from CDC

  • CDC considers this element to be high priority and strongly recommends its inclusion in the USCDI V3
  • CSTE supports inclusion of this measure into USCDI v3: Very useful for this information to be captured in some way and then subsequently used in reporting to PH.

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