Pharmacologic agents used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

Data Element

Medication Administration


CDC's Consolidated Comment for USCDI v5

  • Medication Administration is an available API by some of the major vendors that operate in the United States as well as in the Netherlands. However, the use of the API has been restricted to their Netherlands users. Med administration is a separate function for most EHRs in bar code medicationadministration and the Medication resource is not distinguishing that specific functionality in its current data capture.
  • CSTE Comment: CSTE agrees with CDC's recommendation for this data element. 
  • NACCHO Comment: Supports CDC"s recommendation.

Please Include Medication Administration in USCDI v4

Vizient recommends adding the Medication Administration data element to USCDI v4 as this element allows for further insight and analyses of which medications were administered within visits.

CMS-CCSQ/CDC Joint USCDIv4 Priority - Medication Administration

We continue to urge adding more specificity to the USCDI Medications Data Class. These medication data elements are necessary for understanding adverse drug events, opioid use and misuse, and medication access. Medication administration, along with medications prescribed, discharge medications, medication administration route, medication administration dose, and medication administration date and time serve the ONC USCDI v4 stated priorities related to mitigating health inequities and disparities, addressing needs of underserved populations, and addressing public health reporting needs.

CMS-CCSQ/CDC Joint USCDIv4 Priority - Medication Administration

We continue to urge adding more specificity to the USCDI Medications Data Class. These medication data elements are necessary for understanding adverse drug events, opioid use and misuse, and medication access.  serve the ONC USCDI v4 stated priorities related to mitigating health inequities and disparities, addressing needs of underserved populations, and addressing public health reporting needs.

CMS-CCSQ/CDC Joint USCDIv4 Priority - Medication Administration

We continue to urge adding more specificity to the USCDI Medications Data Class. These medication data elements are necessary for understanding adverse drug events, opioid use and misuse, and medication access.  serve the ONC USCDI v4 stated priorities related to mitigating health inequities and disparities, addressing needs of underserved populations, and addressing public health reporting needs.

CDC's Consolidated Comment for USCDI v4

  • CDC-CMS Joint Priority Data Element

CMS and CDC urge adding more specificity to the USCDI Medications Data Class as interoperability of medication information and management of medications is critical to patient care and coordination between providers, as well as quality and public health enterprises. We continue to support the concept of a USCDI Task Force to appropriately specify and advance this important data class. Specifically on medication administration, the completion of an administration is important clinical information to ensure appropriate clinical care and is used in quality measurement and across public health reporting systems, including vital records, electronic case reporting (e.g., routine HIV and LTBI/TB surveillance), and the antibiotic use and resistance (AUR) module of CDC's National Healthcare Safety Network. The current concept of medications in USCDI does not differentiate among medications that are active, ordered, and administered/prescribed to the patient. And this lack of differentiation presents significant challenges to joint agency enterprises such as patient safety surveillance and quality measurement in inpatient settings. For example, measurements for hypoglycemia (an important quality measure) rely on patients having received a certain medication -- not solely having the medication ordered. Orders are insufficient for this purpose because orders may be PRN or range orders and therefore not reflect what the patient received.

Given these complexities, more clarity and structure are necessary in this data class to accurately evaluate and provide clinical care. Medication details serve the ONC USCDI v4 stated priorities related to mitigating health inequities and disparities, addressing needs of underserved populations, and addressing public health reporting needs. Specifically, this medication data element is necessary for understanding adverse drug events, opioid use and misuse, and medication access

 CDC and CMS urge adding more specificity to the USCDI Medications Data Class as interoperability of medication information and management of medications is critical to patient care and coordination between providers, as well as related quality and public health enterprises—we continue to support the concept of a USCDI Task Force to appropriately specify and advance this important data class. The highlighted additional data elements serve the ONC USCDI v4 stated priorities related to mitigating health inequities and disparities, addressing needs of underserved populations, and addressing public health reporting needs. Specifically, these medication data elements are necessary for understanding adverse drug events, opioid use and misuse, and medication access.  The current concept of medications in USCDI does not differentiate among medications that are active, ordered, and administered/dispensed to the patient. Given these complexities, more clarity and structure are necessary in this data class to accurately evaluate and provide clinical care. These detailed medication data were also previously identified as a joint CMS-CDC priority area as they are used extensively in quality measurement and public health—for example, to monitor and respond to antibiotic prescribing patterns that facilitate the emergence of drug-resistant pathogens, but also exposes patients to needless risk for adverse effects. They are also and are routinely exchanged when prior authorization is required

  • Additional use cases: 
  1. Patient safety quality measurement and public health surveillance via NHSN
  2. AUR surveillance via NHSN
  • Comments from NACCHO: NACCHO is looking for more information on completion of medication status and types of order in various scenarios such as when a patient is not in care. It is necessary to be accurately differentiated for quality clinical care. While, it has added benefits to the public health, there is a necessity of more clarity on this data element
  • Comments from CSTE: CSTE agrees with CDC's recommendation for this data element.

Please include Medication Administration in USCDI v4

The record of an actual administration of a medication to a patient is one of the most central healthcare use cases.  Currently a suite of Medication administration-related concepts are in the Level 2 section of USCDI.   All of these are central healthcare components so the longer the data for these concepts remain wildly unstandardized in US EHRs, the longer there will be no realistic expectation of interoperability.

There are many strong justifications for need of standardized structured data of this concept the clinical research/regulatory sphere, one of which I make below.  But I wanted to emphasize these elements are not niche needs for a few research requirements.  These are the center of patient-provider data exchange and the continued lack of standardized representation of these concepts should be the single driving reason for their inclusion in USCDI version 4.

Healthcare use case: The lack of any standardized representation of administration of medications inherently prevents interoperability of this information and restricts critical sharing of this information across health systems (such us in those qHINs participating in TEFCA).  Lack of easy sharing of administered drugs can result in serious, sometimes leathal, misjudgments on patient medication usage.

An FDA/clinical research context: Retrospective analyses of healthcare data are becoming a more common tool in clinical research for safety or efficacy for new indications of existing medications. In such analyses there may be one or more “exposure” drugs (ie, the drug of interest) and one or many “concomitant” medications. Researchers and regulatory reviewers will need to know enough information of the status of a drug administration where applicable. This information will supply critical differential information with which a researcher or regulatory reviewer can assess the relative probability of the listed drug record actually resulting in consumption by the patient. They can then determine the utility of the information in the context of the specific research and evidence generation needs of any given clinical study.

CMS-CCSQ/CDC Joint USCDIv4 Priority - Medication Administration

CMS urges adding more specificity to the USCDI Medications Data Class as interoperability of medication information and management of medications is critical to patient care and coordination between providers, as well as related quality and public health enterprises—we continue to support the concept of a USCDI Task Force to appropriately specify and advance this important data class. The highlighted additional data elements serve the ONC USCDI v4 stated priorities related to mitigating health inequities and disparities, addressing needs of underserved populations, and addressing public health reporting needs. Specifically, these medication data elements are necessary for understanding adverse drug events, opioid use and misuse, and medication access.

The current concept of medications in USCDI does not differentiate among medications that are active, ordered, and actually administered/dispensed to the patient. Given these complexities, more clarity and structure are necessary in this data class to accurately evaluate and provide clinical care. These detailed medication data were also previously identified as a joint CMS-CDC priority area as they are used extensively in quality measurement and public health —for example, to monitor and respond to antibiotic prescribing patterns that facilitate the emergence of drug-resistant pathogens, but also exposes patients to needless risk for adverse effects. They are also routinely exchanged when prior authorization is required.

Maturity: These elements are classified as Level 2 by ONC and continues to have strong standardization and be in wide use.

  • Current standards:
    • In FHIR US Core, there is a distinction between "Medication" and "Medication Request”; base FHIR and FHIR Quality Improvement (QI) Core IG includes "Medication Administration" and “Medication Request” profiles.
    • Within Medication Request, the ‘category’ is used to define discharge medications.
  • Current uses, exchange, and use cases: Medication data are routinely captured in electronic health record (EHR) systems used by hospitals, providers, and other healthcare stakeholders, including pharmacies, and are routinely exchanged across providers and payers. Medication data are used extensively in CMS quality measurement and public health for surveilling national trends. Additionally, when prior authorization is necessary for a medication, details related to the medication (e.g., why the medication is given, the quantity needed) are exchanged to support the approval process. As noted in the ISWG recommendations report for USCDI v3, many medication data elements are already required for Health Information Technology (IT) Certification via other standards (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs [NCPDP] SCRIPT, Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture [C-CDA]) and are therefore already routinely exchanged, posing little additional burden by adding them to the USCDI.

CDC's comment on behalf of CSTE for USCDI v4

CSTE agrees with CDC. Medication data is critical for exchange with public health and is included in eCR standards. It is especially important for STI programs, HIV and TB surveillance as well as for public health response and surveillance for antimicrobial resistant pathogen infections. 

CDC-CMS Joint Priority Data Element for USCDI v4

CDC continues to recommend inclusion of this high priority data element in USCDI v4.  This element is also shared high priority item for CMS/CDC as outlined in our joint letter

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