Assessments of a health-related matter of interest, importance, or worry to a patient, patient’s family, or patient’s healthcare provider that could identify a need, problem, or condition.

Data Element

Alcohol Use

Evaluation of a patient's consumption of alcohol.

Examples include but are not limited to history of alcohol use, alcohol use disorder identification test and alcohol intake assessment.

Applicable Vocabulary Standard(s)

Applicable Standards
  • Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) version 2.74


NCPDP Comment

NCPDP supports the use of LOINC codes for assessments and observations for alcohol use. NCPDP utilizes LOINC codes in the HL7/NCPDP Pharmacist eCare Plan.

NCPDP recommends the use of SNOMED CT codes as the NCPDP SCRIPT Standard utilizes these codes.

Level 2 Data Element: Substance Use

IMO supports the proposed inclusions of the Level 2 data class and data element for Substance use.  However, the technical specification cited for the Level 2 submission is missing a number of LOINC codes used in evaluating alcohol use.  IMO notes that the value set for Substance Use Disorder OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1003.106.12.1001 specified in eCQM 137 for Alcohol and Drug Dependence, includes codes for evaluating alcohol use as well as other substances. 


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