Analysis of clinical specimens to obtain information about the health of a patient.

Data Element


Analysis of specimens derived from humans which provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment of disease, or assessment of health.

Applicable Vocabulary Standard(s)

Applicable Standards
  • Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) version 2.72


APHL suggest making this data element name more specific

As previously described in and also pointed out by Nedra Garrett in this data element should be renamed to "performed test".

CDC's Consolidated Comment for USCDI v4

  • This element, by itself or with a combination of other elements, does not allow the test submitter or the performing laboratory to differentiate between the ordered or performed test. An ordered test may be a test panel leading to the reporting of multiple results. Another example would be additional tests performed due to reflex testing that would be done based on the results of the initially ordered test and clinical information. We recommend creating two data elements to differentiate between the two:
  1. Ordered Laboratory Test,
  2. Reported Laboratory Test.
  • Comments from NACCHO: NACCHO recommends inclusion of this data element - Tests.
  • Please Note- This is already an element in USCDI v3.

APHL comment to update and clarify the definition of Test Name

The current definiton does not differentiate if this is the test that was ordered (in v2 tracked in OBR-4), or the test that was performed (in v2 reported in OBX-3, in C-CDA and FHIR in observation.code).

From a result re-use perspective the test of interest to track is the performed test - this is a subtype of the proposed element Observation Code (, so if that is added clarification between when to use which would be needed.

This is a CLIA required element.

The vocabulary binding should indicate that the most recent version of LOINC should be used (currently 2.71) and that the version listed is merely applicable version at the time of publication.


Specifying LOINC lab terms

The Regenstrief LOINC team recommends adding “Type 1 (Laboratory) terms” to the Applicable Standard(s) text for the Tests row. LOINC contains 4 different types of terms, and type 1 encompasses the laboratory domain.

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