The Interoperability Proving Ground has been archived and is no longer actively maintained. All information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes.

Interoperability Proving Ground (IPG) submissions within the ONC Tech Lab are submitted by healthcare, technology and development organizations that are invested in Health IT and Interoperability and want to share, learn and collaborate with similar stakeholders in the US, and around the world.

To view all submissions, please view the IPG link located within the ONC Techlab.

COVID-19 Medical Brain

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, healthPrecision has launched a COVID-19 module, added to the library of best-practice modules powering its Medical Brain. The COVID-19 Medical Brain is an intelligent automated front-end triage and support tool to assist healthcare workers in complying with the Departments of Health and CDC guidelines for those healthcare workers who are exposed to COVID-19 patients.

The COVID-19 Medical Brain is an automated triage tool that:
- Integrates any available authorized data using HL7, FHIR, CCDs, etc.
-Identifies employees suspected of potential COVID-19 infection
-Connects suspected/ill employees with the right entities when diagnosis/intervention required
- Intelligently assists employees comply with current DOH & CDC information & guidance
- Maintains 24/7 monitoring and guidance to quarantined employees
- Notifies the organization’s COVID-19 Clinical Command Center of employees at need for urgent medical attention, employees required to stay at home for self-isolation and monitoring, and employees failing to comply with DOH guidelines
- Enables telehealth sessions when needed
- Notifies authorities for diagnosis and follow up
- Continues on-going critical support to the organization’s healthcare workers who need follow up and support due to coexisting high-risk medical conditions
Start Date
Projected End Date

Project Tags
  • #COVID
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Clinical Decision Support (CDS)
  • Machine Learning
Project Point of Contact:
Project Results