The Interoperability Proving Ground has been archived and is no longer actively maintained. All information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes.

Interoperability Proving Ground (IPG) submissions within the ONC Tech Lab are submitted by healthcare, technology and development organizations that are invested in Health IT and Interoperability and want to share, learn and collaborate with similar stakeholders in the US, and around the world.

To view all submissions, please view the IPG link located within the ONC Techlab.

PPX-TEC ‘s Mobile Enterprises is a Bridge for Connectivity

COVID19 ushers' in 'real time' need for PPX-TEC's Bridge Interoperability Solution. PPX-TEC is a mobile bridge enterprise that has a personal health record that aggregates that data being exchanged between and beyond silos. PPXTEC allows users to decide when and how to share their data B2C, B2B, and C2C exchanges. PPX-TEC is a COVID 19 mitigation solution. More accurate and faster public health data collection and interpretation of public health data is possible when IT systems are able to interact. This can help organizations answer pressing questions for both patients and providers. The COVID 19 and opioid crisis provides an excellent example of why more robust public health data is needed to understand the scope of that crisis and continue ways to more effectively address and resolve the crisis. By facilitating the sharing and interpretation of such data, interoperability allows healthcare organizations to collectively educate one another on predicting and preventing outbreaks.
Start Date
Projected End Date
Project Tags
  • #BetterGlobalHealth
  • #COVID
  • #PatientEngagementPlatform
  • Actionable Data
  • API
  • Beyond HIE
  • bi-directional Direct Interoperability
  • C-CDA
  • Care Coordination
  • Care Coordination with COVID-19 Extenaion
  • COVID-19
  • Digital Health Platform
  • HIE
  • Interoperability
  • #COVID19
  • #PatientEngagement Platform
  • #EHR
  • #HIE
  • #Interoperability
  • #HL7
  • #FHIR
  • #care coordination
Project Point of Contact:
Project Results
Current PPX-TEC Integrations 
We are currently able to get data from these systems and will make this available in the app soon:
1.	Medicaid
2.	Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility estimate data
3.	Marketplace ACA
4.	Data at the point of care
PPX-TEC’s pending production data, currently in sandboxes of CMS’s APIs for integration are:
1.	Beneficiary Claims Data
Data ppx-TEC currently supports:
Epic, Cerner, and Allscripts:
HL7 / FHIR Data structure supported by Epic, Cerner, and Allscripts:

Allergy, Problem, Procedure, CarePlan/Goal, ServiceRequest, Family History, RiskAssessment, etc.

Observation, Report, Specimen, ImagingStudy, Genomics, Specimen, ImagingStudy, etc.

Medication, Request, Dispense, Administration, Statement, Immunization, etc.

Introduction + Task, Appointment, Schedule, Referral, PlanDefinition, etc

Claim, Account, Invoice, ChargeItem, Coverage + Eligibility Request & Response, Explanation of Benefit, etc.

See this link for the definitions:

Similar information from (and to) AdvancedMD based on their database schema
See attached PDF: 
AMD Database Structure

Medicare and VA:
The CMS Blue Button API used by Medicare and VA:

Enables a developer to register a beneficiary-facing application
Enables a beneficiary to grant an application access to four years of their Part A, B, and D claims data
Uses the HL7 FHIR standard for beneficiary data and the OAuth 2.0 standard for beneficiary authorization. Medicare and VA data are a subset of FHIR as it pertains mostly to payment of claims.