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§170.315(g)(9) Application access — all data request

Updated on 09-11-2023
Resource Documents
Revision History
Version # Description of Change Version Date

Final Test Procedure.


Removed regulation text paragraph § 170.315 (g)(9)(ii)(A)(3) regarding API terms of use as per the ONC Cures Act Final Rule. As per the ONC Cures Act Final Rule, API terms of use requirements are contained within the § 170.404 API Condition and Maintenance of Certification requirements. Fixed numeral errors in test titles for paragraphs § 170.315 (g)(9)(ii)(A)(1) - (2).


Updated to include approved Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP) standards for 2022.


Updated to include the Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP) Approved Standards for 2023.

Regulation Text
Regulation Text

§ 170.315 (g)(9) Application access – all data request

The following technical outcome and conditions must be met through the demonstration of an application programming interface.

  1. Functional requirements.
      1. Respond to requests for patient data (based on an ID or other token) for all of the data classes expressed in the standards in § 170.213 at one time and return such data (according to the specified standards, where applicable) in a summary record formatted in accordance with § 170.205(a)(4) and (5) following the CCD document template, and as specified in paragraphs (g)(9)(i)(A)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section, or
      2. The Common Clinical Data Set in accordance with paragraphs (g)(9)(i)(A)(3)(i) through (iv) of this section for the period until December 31, 2022, and
      3. The following data classes:
        1. Assessment and plan of treatment. In accordance with the “Assessment and Plan Section (V2)” of the standards specified in § 170.205(a)(4); or in accordance with the “Assessment Section (V2)” and “Plan of Treatment Section (V2)” of the standards specified in § 170.205(a)(4).
        2. Goals. In accordance with the “Goals Section” of the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4).
        3. Health concerns. In accordance with the “Health Concerns Section” of the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4).
        4. Unique device identifier(s) for a patient's implantable device(s). In accordance with the “Product Instance” in the “Procedure Activity Procedure Section” of the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4).
    2. Respond to requests for patient data associated with a specific date as well as requests for patient data within a specified date range.
  2. Documentation—
    1. The API must include accompanying documentation that contains, at a minimum:
      1. API syntax, function names, required and optional parameters and their data types, return variables and their types/structures, exceptions and exception handling methods and their returns.
      2. The software components and configurations that would be necessary for an application to implement in order to be able to successfully interact with the API and process its response(s).
    2. The documentation used to meet paragraph (g)(9)(ii)(A) of this section must be available via a publicly accessible hyperlink.
Standard(s) Referenced
Criterion Subparagraph Test Data

Inpatient setting: - 170.315_g9_api_access_inp_sample*.docx (All Samples)

Ambulatory setting - 170.315_g9_api_access _amb_sample*.docx (All Samples)

Please consult the Final Rule entitled 21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program and the Interim Final Rule (IFR), Information Blocking and the ONC Health IT Certification Program: Extension of Compliance Dates and Timeframes in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, for a detailed description of the certification criterion with which these testing steps are associated. Developers are encouraged to consult the Certification Companion Guide in tandem with the Test Procedure, as they both provide clarifications that may be useful for product development and testing.

Note: The order in which the test steps are listed reflects the sequence of the certification criterion and does not necessarily prescribe the order in which the test should take place.

Testing components

Documentation Icon Visual Inspection Icon Test Tool Icon ONC Supplied Test Data Icon SVAP Icon
System Under Test
ONC-ACB Verification

A health IT developer of a Health IT Module currently certified to the 2015 Edition § 170.315(g)(9) Application access — all data access will attest directly to the ONC-ACB to conformance with the updated § 170.315(g)(9) requirements outlined in the 21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program Final Rule. 

The ONC-ACB verifies the health IT developer of a Health IT Module certified to 2015 Edition § 170.315(g)(9) Application access — all data access attests conformance to 2015 Edition Cures Update § 170.315(g)(9) criterion requirements.   

The following technical outcome and conditions must be met through the demonstration of an application programming interface (API).

System Under Test Test Lab Verification


  1. Using the Edge Testing Tool (ETT): Message Validators –C-CDA R2.1 2015 Edition Cures Update, the health IT developer downloads the ONC-supplied data instructions through the sender download selections of the “APIAccess_Amb” or “APIAccess_Inp” criteria and one of the API instruction documents, and then executes the download.

Demonstrate API

Using the ONC-supplied API instruction document returned in step 1, and the Health IT Module’s identified API functions (including the ID or token generated as part of the “Application Access – patient selection” certification criterion at § 170.315(g)(7)), the user demonstrates that the API responds to and returns all data classes expressed in the standard in § 170.213 USCDI and the data classes in § 170.215(g)(9)(i)(A)(3) in a summary record formatted in accordance with the standard adopted at § 170.205(a)(4) HL7® Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: Consolidated CDA Templates for Clinical Notes with Errata, DSTU Release 2.1 and § 170.205(a)(5)  following the CCD document template for the unique patient identified by the ID or token.

  1. For each CCD document created in step 2, the user submits the CCD document to the tester for verification.
  2. Based on the health IT setting(s) to be certified, the user repeats steps 1-3, for each of the ambulatory and/or inpatient care plan instruction documents found in the ETT: Message Cures Update C-CDA R2.1 Validators. Demonstration of the API is required for all of the API instruction documents for a given health IT setting.

     All Steps (Approved SVAP Version)

  • Complete steps above using Edge Testing Tool (ETT) Message Validator: R2.1 2015 Edition Cures Update and SVAP 2022 for HL7® CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: C-CDA Templates for Clinical Notes R2.1 Companion Guide, Release 3-US Realm, May 2022 and;
  • Reference United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI), Version 2, July 2021.

Demonstrate API

  1. For each API instruction set downloaded in step 1, of the System Under Test, the tester verifies the identified API routine(s) can respond to a request for “all patient data” and return all data in the USCDI in a single document using the CCD template.
  2. Using ETT: Message Validators –C-CDA R2.1 2015 Edition Cures Update, the tester uploads the submitted CCD document returned from the identified API routine(s) through the sender upload selection of the “APIAccess_Amb” or “APIAccess_Inp” criteria and file name of the API instruction document, and the tester executes the upload of the submitted file to the ETT: Message Validators.
  3. The tester uses the validation report produced by the ETT: Message Validators – Cures Update C-CDA R2.1 Validator in step 2, to verify it indicates passing without error to confirm the CCD document returned by the API is in a summary record formatted in accordance with the standard adopted at § 170.205(a)(4), § 170.205(a)(5), and the data classes defined in § 170.215(g)(9)(i)(A)(3) using the CCD document template.
  4. As required by the ONC-supplied API instructions with the corresponding file names as uploaded in step 2, the tester uses the ONC-supplied API instruction document and the ETT: Message Validators Message Content Report to verify the additional checks for equivalent text for the content of all section level narrative text.

System Under Test Test Lab Verification

Data Classes

The following data classes are to be present and expressed within the resultant CCD document:

  • The Assessment and Plan of Treatment in accordance with either the Assessment and Plan Section (V2), or both the Assessment and Plan of Treatment Sections (V2), specified in accordance with the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4). At a minimum, the Assessment and Plan of Treatment data includes the narrative text.
  • The Goals specified in accordance with the standard specified at § 170.205(a)(4) and § 170.205(a)(4)(i). At a minimum, the Goals data includes narrative text.
  • The Health Concerns specified in accordance with the standard specified at § 170.205(a)(4). At a minimum, the Health concerns data includes narrative text.

Data Classes

Using visual inspection, the tester verifies the data presented in section (g)(9)(A)(1) includes:

  • The Assessment and plan or both the Assessment and Plan of Treatment are specified in accordance with the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4) as narrative text.
  • The Goals are specified in accordance with the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4) as narrative text.
  • The Health Concerns are specified in accordance with the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4) as narrative text

Note: The system must consistently and independently represent the data as discrete data that are clearly distinguishable.

System Under Test Test Lab Verification
  1. The Health IT Module’s identified API returns data to the developer-identified requesting application for a specific date that the requesting application identifies.
  2. The Health IT Module’s identified API returns data to the developer-identified requesting application for a specific date range that the requesting application identifies.
  1. The tester verifies the API routine(s) can respond to a request for patient data for a specific date, and that the patient data returned is accurate and without omission based upon the health IT developer’s documentation for data return based upon a date request.
  2. The tester verifies the API routine(s) can respond to a request for patient data for a date range, and the patient data returned is accurate and without omission based upon the health IT developer’s documentation for data return based upon a date range request.

System Under Test Test Lab Verification

The health IT developer supplies documentation describing the API, with the intended audience of developers, and includes at a minimum:

  • API syntax;
  • function names;
  • required and optional parameters and their data types;
  • return variables and their types/structures; and
  • exceptions and exception handling methods and their returns.

The tester verifies the identified documentation for the Health IT Module’s API definition is accurate and without omission, and that it matches the version of the software release.

System Under Test Test Lab Verification

The health IT developer supplies accompanying documentation describing the Health IT Module’s API implementation requirements, with the intended audience of developers, which must include:

  • The software components and configurations that would be necessary for an application to implement to be able to successfully interact with the API and process its response(s).

The tester verifies the identified documentation for interfacing with the Health IT Module’s API (including both the software components and the configuration) is accurate and without omission and that it matches the version of the software release. 

System Under Test Test Lab Verification

The documentation used to meet paragraph (g)(9)(ii)(A) of this section must be available via a publicly accessible hyperlink.

The tester verifies the supplied documentation is publicly accessible by hyperlink.

Updated on 07-12-2021
Resource Documents
Revision History
Version # Description of Change Version Date

Initial Publication


Updated compliance date per the Interim Final Rule (IFR), Information Blocking and the ONC Health IT Certification Program: Extension of Compliance Dates and Timeframes in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency 


Removed footnotes and replaced with in-text citations

Regulation Text
Regulation Text

§ 170.315 (g)(9) Application access – all data request

The following technical outcome and conditions must be met through the demonstration of an application programming interface.

  1. Functional requirements.
      1. Respond to requests for patient data (based on an ID or other token) for all of the data classes expressed in the standards in § 170.213 at one time and return such data (according to the specified standards, where applicable) in a summary record formatted in accordance with § 170.205(a)(4) and (5) following the CCD document template, and as specified in paragraphs (g)(9)(i)(A)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section, or
      2. The Common Clinical Data Set in accordance with paragraphs (g)(9)(i)(A)(3)(i) through (iv) of this section for the period until December 31, 2022, and
      3. The following data classes:
        1. Assessment and plan of treatment. In accordance with the “Assessment and Plan Section (V2)” of the standards specified in § 170.205(a)(4); or in accordance with the “Assessment Section (V2)” and “Plan of Treatment Section (V2)” of the standards specified in § 170.205(a)(4).
        2. Goals. In accordance with the “Goals Section” of the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4).
        3. Health concerns. In accordance with the “Health Concerns Section” of the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4).
        4. Unique device identifier(s) for a patient's implantable device(s). In accordance with the “Product Instance” in the “Procedure Activity Procedure Section” of the standard specified in § 170.205(a)(4).
    2. Respond to requests for patient data associated with a specific date as well as requests for patient data within a specified date range.
  2. Documentation—
    1. The API must include accompanying documentation that contains, at a minimum:
      1. API syntax, function names, required and optional parameters and their data types, return variables and their types/structures, exceptions and exception handling methods and their returns.
      2. The software components and configurations that would be necessary for an application to implement in order to be able to successfully interact with the API and process its response(s).
    2. The documentation used to meet paragraph (g)(9)(ii)(A) of this section must be available via a publicly accessible hyperlink.
Standard(s) Referenced
Criterion Subparagraph Test Data

Inpatient setting: - 170.315_g9_api_access_inp_sample*.docx (All Samples)

Ambulatory setting - 170.315_g9_api_access _amb_sample*.docx (All Samples)

Certification Companion Guide: Application access — all data request

This Certification Companion Guide (CCG) is an informative document designed to assist with health IT product development. The CCG is not a substitute for the 21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program Final Rule (ONC Cures Act Final Rule). It extracts key portions of the rule’s preamble and includes subsequent clarifying interpretations. To access the full context of regulatory intent please consult the ONC Cures Act Final Rule or other included regulatory reference. The CCG is for public use and should not be sold or redistributed.


Certification Requirements

Privacy and Security: This certification criterion was adopted at § 170.315(g)(9). As a result, an ONC Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB) must ensure that a product presented for certification to this criterion includes the privacy and security criteria (adopted in § 170.315(d)) within the overall scope of the certificate issued to the product.

  • The privacy and security criteria (adopted in § 170.315(d)) do not need to be explicitly tested with this specific criterion unless it is the only criterion for which certification is requested.
  • As a general rule, a product presented for certification only needs to be tested once to each applicable privacy and security criterion (adopted in § 170.315(d)) so long as the health IT developer attests that such privacy and security capabilities apply to the full scope of capabilities included in the requested certification. However, exceptions exist for § 170.315(e)(1) “View, download and transmit to 3rd party (VDT)” and (e)(2) “Secure messaging”, which are explicitly stated.

Design and Performance: The following design and performance certification criteria (adopted in § 170.315(g)) must also be certified in order for the product to be certified.

  • When a single quality management system (QMS) is used, the QMS only needs to be identified once. Otherwise, the QMS’ need to be identified for every capability to which it was applied.
  • When a single accessibility-centered design standard is used, the standard only needs to be identified once. Otherwise, the accessibility-centered design standards need to be identified for every capability to which they were applied; or, alternatively, the developer must state that no accessibility-centered design was used.
  • Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) creation performance (§ 170.315(g)(6)) does not need to be explicitly tested with this criterion unless it is the only criterion within the scope of the requested certification that includes C-CDA creation capabilities. Note that the application of § 170.315(g)(6) depends on the C-CDA templates explicitly required by the C-CDA-referenced criterion or criteria included within the scope of the certificate sought. Please refer to the C-CDA Creation Performance CCG for more details.
Table for Privacy and Security
Technical Explanations and Clarifications


Applies to entire criterion


  • Security:
    • For the purposes of certification there is no conformance requirement related to the registration of third-party applications that use the application programming interfaces (APIs). If a Health IT module requires registration as a pre-condition for accessing the APIs, then, the process must be clearly specified in the API documentation as required by the criterion. We strongly believe that registration should not be used to block information sharing via APIs.
    • This criterion does not currently include any security requirements beyond the privacy and security approach detailed above, but ONC encourages organizations to follow security best practices and implement security controls, such as penetration testing, encryption, audits, and monitoring as appropriate. ONC expects health IT developers to include information on how to securely use their APIs in the public documentation required by the certification criteria and follow industry best practices. [see also 80 FR 62676 and 85 FR 25642]
    • ONC strongly encourages developers to build security into their APIs following industry best practice. [see also 80 FR 62677]
    • A “trusted connection” means the link is encrypted/integrity protected according to § 170.210(a)(2) or (c)(2). As such, ONC does not believe it is necessary to specifically name HTTPS and/or SSL/TLS as this standard already covers encryption and integrity protection for data in motion. [see also 80 FR 62676]
    • APIs could be used when consent or authorization by an individual is required. In circumstances where there is a requirement to document a patient’s request or particular preferences, APIs can enable compliance with documentation requirements. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Privacy Rule (45 CFR Part 160 and Part 164, Subparts A and E) permits the use of electronic documents to qualify as writings for the purpose of proving signature, e.g., electronic signatures. [see also 80 FR 62677]
  • The audit record should be able to distinguish the specific user who accessed the data using a third-party application through the certified API to meet the requirements of § 170.315(d)(2) or (d)(10).
  • A health IT developer must demonstrate the API functionality of the Health IT Module properly performs consistent with this certification criterion’s requirements. As part of the demonstration process, a health IT developer is permitted, but is not limited, to using existing tools for creating its own app or “client” to interact with the API or using a third-party application for demonstration.
  • By requiring that documentation and terms of use be open and transparent to the public by requiring a hyperlink to such documentation to be published with the product on the ONC Certified Health IT Product List, ONC hopes to encourage an open ecosystem of diverse and innovative applications that can successfully and easily interact with different Health IT Modules’ APIs. [see also 80 FR 62679 and 85 FR 25642]
  • By no later than April 5, 2021, a Certified API Developer with Health IT Module(s) certified to the certification criteria in § 170.315(g)(7), (8), or (9) must comply with paragraph (a) of this section, including revisions to their existing business and technical API documentation and make such documentation available via a publicly accessible hyperlink that allows any person to directly access the information without any preconditions or additional steps.



Paragraph (g)(9)(i)(A)

Technical outcome – The API must be able to respond to requests for patient data (using an ID or other token) for all of the data categories specified in the United States Core Data for Interoperability Standard (USCDI) at one time in a summary record formatted according to the C-CDA Release 2.1 Continuity of Care Document (CCD) template.


  • Please refer to the USCDI for the data standards that are required.
  • The technology specifications should be designed and implemented in such a way as to return meaningful responses to queries, particularly with regard to exceptions and exception handling, and should make it easy for applications to discover what data exists for the patient. [see also 80 FR 62678]
  • The term “token” that is used here is not to be interpreted as the token in the OAuth2 workflow, but simply as something that would uniquely identify a patient.
  • In order to mitigate potential interoperability errors and inconsistent implementation of the HL7® Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: Consolidated CDA Templates for Clinical Notes, Draft Standard for Trial Use, Release 2.1, ONC assesses, approves, and incorporates corrections as part of required testing and certification to this criterion. [see also Health IT Certification Program Overview] Certified health IT adoption and compliance with the following corrections are necessary because they implement updates to vocabularies, update rules for cardinality and conformance statements, and promote proper exchange of C-CDA documents. There will be  a 90-day delay from the time the CCG has been updated with the ONC-approved corrections to when compliance with the corrections will be required to pass testing (i.e., C-CDA 2.1 Validator).There will be an 18-month delay before a finding of a correction’s absence in certified health IT during surveillance would constitute a non-conformity under the Certification Program.

Paragraph (g)(9)(i)(B)

Technical outcome – The API must be able to respond to requests for patient data associated with a specific date as well as with a specific date range.


  • Health IT returning an entire patient record that does not reflect the specific date or date range requested is not permissible when a specific date or date range is requested. [see also 80 FR 62678]
  • The health IT developer can determine the method and the amount of data by which the health IT uniquely identifies a patient. [see also 80 FR 62678]
  • The API must be able to send, at minimum all required data for a specified date range(s). ONC acknowledges that there will be organizational policies and/or safety best practices that will dictate additional data to be sent and when data is considered complete and/or ready for being sent. This should be appropriately described in the API documentation.
  • The approach used to provide the CCD document(s) is set by the API. An approach based on providing one or more CCD documents matching to the patient’s selected date or date range is a valid approach.

Paragraph (g)(9)(ii)(A)

Technical outcome – The API must include accompanying documentation which contains, at a minimum:

  • API syntax, function names, required and optional parameters and their data types, return variables and their types/structures, exceptions and exception handling methods and their returns.
  • The software components and configurations that would be necessary for an application to implement in order to be able to successfully interact with the API and process its response(s).
  • The terms of use for the API must be provided including, at a minimum, any associated developer policies and required developer agreements.


  • No additional clarifications.

Paragraph (g)(9)(ii)(B)

Technical outcome – The documentation used to meet the provisions in (g)(9)(ii)(A)(1)-(3) must be available through a publicly accessible hyperlink.


  • The hyperlink provided for all of the documentation referenced by provision (g)(9)(ii)(A) must reflect the most current version of the health IT developer’s documentation.
  • All the documentation referenced by provision (g)(9)(ii)(A) must be accessible to the public via a hyperlink without additional access requirements, including, without limitation, any form of registration, account creation, “click-through” agreements, or requirement to provide contact details or other information prior to accessing the documentation.